Foxtrot [Fox]
A Project Reality Teamwork Alliance (PRTA) Unit
A Project Reality Teamwork Alliance (PRTA) Unit

Hey there,
I'm SserpensS, one of the leaders of Foxtrot - a casual, English-speaking unit in the Project Reality Teamwork Alliance (PRTA). I've played Project Reality since 2007 and backed the Kickstarter for Squad in 2015.
PRTA is a collection of clans, called 'units', that collaborate under one banner and utilise the same forum, staff, game and voice servers. We are the Project Reality Teamwork Alliance's largest and most active English-speaking unit, comprised mainly of casual players from all around the world. Our ambition is to be a large and friendly clan with a primary focus on Squad and Project Reality, for players who are looking for friends to play and talk with. We also intend to promote and support the PRTA community and servers through mature behaviour, good teamwork and communication skills in-game. Amongst other things, we feature a pseudo-rank structure, whereby both in-game and out-of-game capabilities are rewarded and recognised.
We aim to foster friendships that will last for years between players with common interests in other games outside of Squad and Project Reality, as well.
Our recruitment policy currently asks the following from our members:
- Be aged 16 or over (we will make exceptions for very mature individuals on a case-by-case basis)
- Demonstrate compliance with Foxtrot & PRTA Rules
- Demonstrate good attitude, behaviour, social skills and gameplay ability
- Demonstrate good knowledge of the game
- Demonstrate acceptable levels of activity in-game, on TeamSpeak and on the forums (the forum automatically flags users as inactive after 30 days of inactivity)
- We're big on fun, and professionalism - bad behaviour and poor people skills aren't tolerated.
If you'd like to apply, simply register for an account on our forums and submit an application citing "Foxtrot" as the desired Unit. We will discuss your application amongst ourselves and let you know the outcome as soon as possible.
All the best, and we'll see you on the field.
- SserpensS -