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Can not see Squadleaders

Posted: 2016-02-13 15:58
by Rotblut
Since about three Month I have a strange Bug, only on COOP specifically on Veterans-Gaming.
After logging to the Gameserver, I can not see any Squadleaders he is not visible.
A big thing when being a CAS gunner.
After restarting (sometimes two or three times) it is back normal.
Okay, that was curious.
Now the Bug has changed to. Sometimes only my own Squadleder is invisible but I can see the others.
Hmm, some suggestions? :confused:

Re: Can not see Squadleaders

Posted: 2016-02-13 16:14
by anantdeathhawk
This happened with me as well. :neutral:

Re: Can not see Squadleaders

Posted: 2016-02-13 17:10
by UTurista
Its a know issue, unfortunately the only solution is to restart the game.

Re: Can not see Squadleaders

Posted: 2016-02-22 10:05
by Fastjack
I mean, i saw a post here, that someone fixed it with empty cachefolder or something like this.

Re: Can not see Squadleaders

Posted: 2016-02-22 10:24
I have the same kind of bug but with not seeing flags deleting my video cache from the launcher seems to help. Try leaving a squad then rejoining.

Posted: 2016-02-22 15:47
by SyriousT
If in coop you can turn around this bug by opening the spawn screen . And you can see the SLs location

Re: Can not see Squadleaders

Posted: 2016-02-23 00:14
by Scubbo
happens a lot for me, you have to do a manual clear of the shader cache to fix it usually --- then it might happen again but quitting the game then joining again should fix it >_< damn BF2 engine ~_o