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Login error + Start up crash

Posted: 2016-03-15 04:11
by FuriousGamer
When I start up my launcher, pick my profile and click login an error comes up (See screenshot below) Then I click ok, click login and it crashes right after the intro.

I tried lowering graphics because I have seen someone say that. I see some people have this bug recently but I haven't seen a fix.

Re: Login error + Start up crash

Posted: 2016-03-15 04:15
by SnarkyRommel
No fix so far. swampfox I think figured something out but its not a 100% fix. Ive been trying for 12 hours to no avail.

Re: Login error + Start up crash

Posted: 2016-03-15 04:23
by FuriousGamer
Damn this really sucks I hope devs look at this soon.

Re: Login error + Start up crash

Posted: 2016-03-15 08:07
by RebbEsc
Been using win 10 since it 1st came out and been playing PR since the standalone release. i think some windows update broke my PR :(

Re: Login error + Start up crash

Posted: 2016-03-15 08:38
by Greatwhite8884
Ya I'm new to PR and downloaded it today. I have had this exact same problem and I mean both issues. I have tried a few things, but so far there don't seem to be any specific posts other than this that around. I tried also going to C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2 and launched the game from there. I was able to not crash but it said I needed to launch from the launcher. I have been able to play from offline but other than that nothing. I hope this thread gets enough support for the devs to do something quick.

Hopefully something from this can lead someone on the track to solving this!