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PRLauncher doesn't start

Posted: 2016-05-12 05:15
by Guttler
I know, I'm not the first one with this problem.
I downloaded standalone .iso. Install PR. When I trying launch PRlauncher... nothing happend. Task Manager show me "PRLauncher" process for a few seconds, and after that it's just disappear. When I'm launching BFPR.exe, it starting, but there is a popup message: "can't interact with PRLauncher", and a message "You need to launch the game with PRLauncher" and only exit-button is available.
I reinstall PR, I cleaned registry, I try launch as administrator, I try set compatibility with XP, with Vista and even with Windows 2008 - still nothing.

My system:
Intel Core2Duo 2,7 GHz.
Radeon HD 3800 1Gb.
3 Gb RAM DDR2.
HDD Hard Drive.
Windows 7 Professional.
(clean BF-2 work on maximum settings without any problems)

Can anyone help me with this?

Re: PRLauncher doesn't start

Posted: 2016-05-12 07:44
by Guttler
Also, NET Framework, DirectX and Visual installed too, latest versions.

Re: PRLauncher doesn't start

Posted: 2016-05-12 09:42
Go to documents/Project Reality/profiles/default/video open with notepad and copy paste here please.

Here is default folder


Default/video - please note resolution and refresh rate setting


Nvidia system resolution being the same - Please note BF2/PR will only work on 60 or 75Hz 59 or 45 will crash.


Lastly on W10 files properties parent musy be set as read only - I don't have a W7 to compare.


Re: PRLauncher doesn't start

Posted: 2016-05-12 12:39
by Guttler
In file "video" I have this:

Code: Select all

VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 2
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 2
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 2
VideoSettings.setResolution 800x600@60Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing Off
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 2
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 2
Radeon videocard it's not NVidia, but system resolution is 1280x1024. I tried set this resolution in file "video" - it's doesn't help.
Folder "documents/Project Reality" set to read-only. Nothing happend, PRLauncher still don't start.
Also: yes, I turn off my antivirus before installation, and now it's off too.

Re: PRLauncher doesn't start

Posted: 2016-05-12 20:28
by Guttler
Delete NET Framework, then install it again with online-installer - nothing happened.
Delete NET Framework, then install it again with offline-installer - and it's work! Woodoo magic :)

Re: PRLauncher doesn't start

Posted: 2016-05-12 21:26
Well done and thanks for letting us know the cure so we know for next time.

Incase of problems it is always good to check .Net directX9 and C++ are installed but you already had - strange.

Surely PR only needs DirectX 9, 10 or 11 will not be used but I wonder would their installation cause problems but I guess most gaming PCs have DX10?

Re: PRLauncher doesn't start

Posted: 2016-05-13 08:17
by Guttler
PLODDITHANLEY wrote:I guess most gaming PCs have DX10?
No idea, my PC really old, only DX9 is supported.