5th Infantry Division *Active* *Updated 5/26.2016*

Post here if you are looking for a clan, or wish to advertise vacancies within yours.
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Posts: 3
Joined: 2016-05-26 15:04

5th Infantry Division NA *OPEN* *Updated 4/9/2018* We are back

Post by Poland »


Some history:
The 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)?nicknamed the "Red Diamond", the "Red Devils", or "die Roten Teufel"?was an infantry division of the United States Army that served in World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War, and with NATO and the U.S. Army III corps

We offer:
-A Chance to meet people from all over the world
-A fun and realistic environment.
-Unit training's with vehicle specialization. Useful for both PR beginners as well as veterans.
-Organized Squads
-A 100 slot teamspeak server
-A steam group
A realistic rank structure

We are searching for:
-Mature players, over the age of 17. However we might have acceptations for some people younger
-Members willing to help develop the unit and its structure.
-Members with a good attendance rate.
-Members with time availability.

What does the future hold for the 5th
-Servers for deployment and Coop.
Vets from the military either U.S or other country's
-More people
-Challenging other units


And remember more people join the more detachments we can do

Our teamspeak Ip is elegantgaming.ghostarc.me
If you wanna join please add PolandNWL on steam

*English only please*
Last edited by Poland on 2018-04-09 19:16, edited 11 times in total.
Posts: 776
Joined: 2011-06-07 12:27

Re: 5th Infantry Division *Active* *Updated 5/26.2016*

Post by A.Finest »

Has Teamspeak has changed IP or is your community is now "Russian Memes"?
Posts: 3
Joined: 2016-05-26 15:04

Post by Poland »

A.Finest wrote:Has Teamspeak has changed IP or is your community is now "Russian Memes"?
Yea I'm gonna update this right now

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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