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Largely unrealistic hydra firing sounds

Posted: 2016-06-03 12:56
by viirusiiseli
Atleast for huey and kiowa there's a clicking sound that appears it seems 4 times for every fired rocket, making it sound like 4 times more rockets being launched.

Re: Largely unrealistic hydra firing sounds

Posted: 2016-06-03 13:45
by PatrickLA_CA
It is bugged for all choppers. Most noticeable in the Huey and Hind (it might be the other way around on the Hind where you shoot more rockets than you hear).

I think this bug was introduced with the new sounds in 1.0? not sure ? because I remember the hydra sound being good earlier. Maybe you can check in some of your older videos if you have some footage of hydras for comparison.

But yeah, this is annoying because you hear more rockets launching than you see.

Re: Largely unrealistic hydra firing sounds

Posted: 2016-06-03 13:52
by Acecombatzer0
Good ol' SoCal

Re: Largely unrealistic hydra firing sounds

Posted: 2016-06-03 14:03
by Mats391
Yea noticed this too when i was copilot in Kiowa on Kokan some time ago. It is not on all choppers and in next patch it wont be on any :)

Revision: 25079
Author: mats391
Date: Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016 16:38:19
VEHICLES: Fixed USMC CAS Huey shooting to low fb #4891
VEHICLES: Removed some bad rocket firing sounds from jets/choppers