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| Can't use Communication | Weird Text in the game...

Posted: 2016-06-12 06:25
by GwGv2[Hzz_]
Hi all, im new on PR, downloaded it this week and since the first run i cant use the communication ingame (cant hear others or they cant hear me)...
I noticed that you have a strange text in the lower left corner of my screen, which for now it does not disappear I can not use the communication in the game...

I tried:
Reinstalling the game (Dont Work)
Clean Up his .reg files (Dont Work)
Setting up or reseting my config in PR and Mumble (Dont Work)
Updating my Sound Drivers (Dont Work)
Installing a new version of Mumble (Dont Work)

OBS*: Even in the Coop Singleplayer & MP the txt in my screen stay, and i cant use communication in my game.....Please help me, play without communication is hard.



Re: | Can't use Communication | Weird Text in the game...

Posted: 2016-06-12 07:28

Re: | Can't use Communication | Weird Text in the game...

Posted: 2016-06-12 15:46
by GwGv2[Hzz_]
Ok, i'll try the last link that you posted here, in the link the creator of the thread said that was na error linked to the torrente file...I'll check this and download it from Moddb, tomorrow i'll post the results..

Cya XD

Re: | Can't use Communication | Weird Text in the game...

Posted: 2016-06-13 17:46
by Cadillac
Somebody on one of the servers yesterday was saying we needed to go and pay for a Mumble license?

What's this nonsense?

Re: | Can't use Communication | Weird Text in the game...

Posted: 2016-06-14 00:10
nonsense AFAIK

Re: | Can't use Communication | Weird Text in the game...

Posted: 2016-06-15 00:36
by GwGv2[Hzz_]
Alright, i tried all those links and none of their "solutions" im going to be crazy, i've downloaded from another mirror but the weird txt still here AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH SHIT!!! :cussing: :d uh: :hissyfit:

Re: | Can't use Communication | Weird Text in the game...

Posted: 2016-06-16 16:29
by UTurista
Ao instalares o jogo "PR" ja estas a instalar a versao correcta do Mumble por isso comeca por verificar que nao substituiste essa versao ao instalares outras.
Ja experimentaste correr o launcher com privilegios de administrador? Se nao, experimenta. Se mesmo assim nao resultar experimenta brincar com as definicoes de compatibilidade.


PR already installs the correct version of Mumble so start by verifying that you didnt replaced it when installing other versions.
If you didn't already tried running the launcher with admin right, try it. If that doesn't work mess around with the compatibility definitions

Re: | Can't use Communication | Weird Text in the game...

Posted: 2016-06-17 18:46
by GwGv2[Hzz_]
[R-CON]UTurista wrote:Ao instalares o jogo "PR" ja estas a instalar a versao correcta do Mumble por isso comeca por verificar que nao substituiste essa versao ao instalares outras.
Ja experimentaste correr o launcher com privilegios de administrador? Se nao, experimenta. Se mesmo assim nao resultar experimenta brincar com as definicoes de compatibilidade.

Yeeeeeeees, obrigado por me responder, marquei a caixa de Compatibilidade para Service Pack 2 e saiu aque texto chato :D
Obrigado mesmo cara sz :)