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Teamspeak Mic cutting in and out while play PR
Posted: 2016-06-16 20:04
by matthewreck
me and my friend started play Project reality, and were in teamspeak and in a squad in game, and after about 5 to 10 minutes his mic starts not working properly in TS , I can still here him fine in Project reality's mumble, but if he minimizes and opens up Pr again i can start hearing him fine again in teamspeak...i dont know what the problem could be...connection problem maybe?
Re: Teamspeak Mic cutting in and out while play PR
Posted: 2016-06-17 13:05
by Mineral
Any chance your friend is on a recent version of windows? He must run Teamspeak as an administrator to make push to talk work properly when running PR or other software as well.
Re: Teamspeak Mic cutting in and out while play PR
Posted: 2016-06-20 03:35
by matthewreck
what do you mean when you say '' recent version of windows'' like windows 10? or windows 7
Posted: 2016-06-20 09:33
by Mineral
10 or 8