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PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-07-21 14:34
by Killuah15
Hey Guys,

I just installed PR Standalone, but everytime i try to start the game it crashes.
I don't get any specific Error...
(When I developed an Android App i couldn't use the emulator because VT-x is not activated on the mainboard. Maybe some Mainboard problem in terms of PR aswell?)
Counter-Strike works fine, so I really don't know why it won't work...

System Information
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (10.0.10586)
Architecture: 64-Bit
Current Culture: German (Germany)
Motherboard: HP 80C2
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz (Physical: 2, Logical: 4)
Memory: 8,00 GB
DIMM Modules: Bottom - Slot 2 (right): 8,00 GB @ 1600 MHz
Page File: 1,31 GB
.NET Framework: 4.6+ Release Build: 394254, Runtime: 4.0.30319.42000

Display Information
Display Device(s): Generic PnP Monitor on Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
Display Mode(s): 1366 x 768 (32 bit) @ 60 Hz
Driver Version: 16.150.2211.0
Display Memory: 2,00 GB
Multisampling: 2, 4, 8
DPI: 96 (100%)

Audio Information
Primary Playback: Lautsprecher/Kopfh?rer (Realtek
Primary Recording: Mikrofon (Realtek High Definiti
Open AL Renderer: Software
EAX: True
EAX 1.0: False
EAX 2.0: True
EAX 3.0: False
EAX 4.0: False
EAX 5.0: False
X-RAM: False

Disk Information
Install Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2
Free: 46,70 GB, Total: 219,71 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
Mod Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr
Free: 46,70 GB, Total: 219,71 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
Profiles Path: C:\Users\User\Documents\ProjectReality\Profiles
Free: 46,70 GB, Total: 219,71 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
Update DL Path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\Downloads
Free: 46,70 GB, Total: 219,71 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
Update Log Path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\UpdateLogs
Free: 46,70 GB, Total: 219,71 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True

Game Information
Installed Mods: pr
Current Mod: pr
Version: Standalone - 1.0
PR Version:
Language: english
Debug Available: False
Large Address: True
Supported Hardware: None

Profile Information
Profile 0001: Killuah15
Type: Online
View Intro: True
Fullscreen: True
Display Mode: 1366x768@60Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
Graphics Scheme: Low
Multisampling: Off
VSync: False
Terrain Quality: Low
Effects Quality: Low
Geometry Quality: Low
Texture Quality: Low
Lighting Quality: Low
Dynamic Shadows: Low
Dynamic Lights: Low
Texture Filtering: Low
Audio Provider: Software
Provider Valid: True
Audio Quality: Medium
EAX: True

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-07-22 11:16
Run a Direct X updater to eliminate that.

Can you play offline? You'll have to create an offline profile for that?

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-07-22 12:48
by Killuah15
PLODDITHANLEY wrote:Run a Direct X updater to eliminate that.

Can you play offline? You'll have to create an offline profile for that?

I can't get into the main menu.
When I try to start the program, the display is getting black for a second and then i get this not very helpful error :-|

DirectX has got the newest version already installed (checked it with the Microsoft DirectX Web Installer/Updater).

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-07-22 23:38
by SuperArmy
Close as many background tasks as possible. Anti virus. Teamviewer, MSI apps etc. Could be something not agreeing with PR.
Then try and 'Run as Admin' as well.

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-07-23 03:51
Most of the time is profiles not writing.

go to documents/PR and erase all profiles.

Go to PR folder and right click on PRBF2.exe it wont run and will give you an error message but it will recreate your profiles.

If its still not working go and have a look at documents/projectreality/profiles/defaults and check the video settings are good.

What is your sound device?

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-07-24 20:03
by Killuah15
Hey there,

deleting the profiles and launching PR didn't work aswell.
I don't know which sound device i have but @ Audio-, Video, and Gamecontroller it says:

-Realtek High Definition Audio

and in Audioinput and -output it says:

Realtek High Definition Audio aswell (for microphone and speakers)

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-07-26 00:19
type dxdiag into search web and windows

Under Display can you tell me your 'current display mode' me - 1824 X 1024 (32 bit) @60Hz
Check you have one sound and input active.

Go to documents/project reality/profiles/default/video.con and 0001/video.con if you have one and tell me or copy paste using word pad here please.

These are my profiles- at high graphics in 1824 x 1026 paste them over/in to yours change graphics to match your system and screen and try that.

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-08-01 13:39
by Killuah15
Hey, sorry for letting you wait...

-current display mode is - 1366 x 768 (32 bit) @60Hz
-Input & Sound is active

default Video.con:
VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 2
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 2
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 2
VideoSettings.setResolution 800x600@60Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing Off
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 1
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 1
0001 Video.con:
VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 2
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 2
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 2
VideoSettings.setResolution 1366x768@60Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing Off
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 1
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 1
Pasting your settings into my folder didn't work aswell.
PR Created a new Folder called 0002 with different graphics settings.

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-08-05 06:18
Can you check in dxdiag or windows sound that you have only one active sound output, if more than one is open it'll crash, all others must be disabled.


Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-08-07 09:32
by Killuah15
Checked it, there is only one sound output available and active.
It's still not working :(

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-08-07 20:33
Try reinstalling the three programs needed to run PR.

.net, DirectX and c++, there are links on an installation guide sticky but I'm on a tablet so it's too PITA to find it.

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-09-06 14:01
by Killuah15
this doesn't work aswell... I'm afraid this is some kind of BIOS problem...
I also had problems with installing drivers for audio interfaces, etc. :/

Re: PRBF2.exe stopped working

Posted: 2016-09-09 23:07
by XanderP
Killuah15 wrote:this doesn't work aswell... I'm afraid this is some kind of BIOS problem...
I also had problems with installing drivers for audio interfaces, etc. :/
Install the Intel Drivers for your APU, when i tried to Run Project Reality on my APU and the game kept crashing at the start.. Install the driver's and you'll be just fine i guess.