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Weird Issue upon "trying" to start the game [AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa]

Posted: 2016-08-22 23:33
by STR8B3RRy
So here's the 911

Basically the game for some reason won't start properly this time I decided to install again. I have installed and played in pretty much every OS and ran. Hell, I installed months ago in this very same pc and worked just fine.

But getting straight to business here's the issue:

>Start launcher
>Start Game
>Black screen
>Intro plays out just fine
>Hear the menu music
>see the mouse dogtag icon or whatever you wanna call it
>wait 10m
>still blackscreen and that awful music

Can move mouse, hear the menu music but it's all black.

Attempts on fixing it:
>remove Sweetfx
>remove any .dll that wasn't part of game like reshade's dll
>compatibility mode on everything and setting it to run as admin
>deleting profile folder on documents
>running windowed mode
>running on 60Hz even tho my screen is set to 1024
>running other resolutions
>closing every little fucking shit
>I have no AV. (inb4 spammed with virus)

Info below.

Code: Select all

System Information
  Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (10.0.10586)
      Architecture: 64 bits
   Current Culture: Portuguese (Portugal)
       Motherboard: BIOSTAR Group G41D3+
         Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q8200  @ 2.33GHz (Physical: 4, Logical: 4)
            Memory: 8,00 GB
         Page File: 8,00 GB
    .NET Framework: 4.6+ Release Build: 394254, Runtime: 4.0.30319.42000

Display Information
 Display Device(s): Generic PnP Monitor on NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
   Display Mode(s): 1024 x 768 (32 bit) @ 75 Hz
    Driver Version: (368.22)
    Display Memory: 2,00 GB
     Multisampling: 2, 4, 8
               DPI: 96 (100%)

Audio Information
  Primary Playback: Speakers (Realtek High Definiti
 Primary Recording: Microphone (Realtek High Defini
  Open AL Renderer: Software
               EAX: True
           EAX 1.0: False
           EAX 2.0: True
           EAX 3.0: False
           EAX 4.0: False
           EAX 5.0: False
             X-RAM: False

Disk Information
      Install Path: C:\Games\Project Reality BF2
                    Free: 26,21 GB, Total: 273,82 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: False
          Mod Path: C:\Games\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr
                    Free: 26,21 GB, Total: 273,82 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: False
     Profiles Path: C:\Users\Ricardo G\Documents\ProjectReality\Profiles
                    Free: 26,21 GB, Total: 273,82 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: False
    Update DL Path: C:\Users\Ricardo G\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\Downloads
                    Free: 26,21 GB, Total: 273,82 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: False
   Update Log Path: C:\Users\Ricardo G\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\UpdateLogs
                    Free: 26,21 GB, Total: 273,82 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: False

Game Information
    Installed Mods: pr
       Current Mod: pr
           Version: Standalone - 1.0
        PR Version:
          Language: english
   Debug Available: False
     Large Address: True
Supported Hardware: None

Profile Information
      Profile 0001: STR8B3RRy
              Type: Online
 Last Used Profile: True
        View Intro: False
        Fullscreen: True
      Display Mode: 1024x768@75Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
   Graphics Scheme: Custom
     Multisampling: Off
             VSync: False
   Terrain Quality: High
   Effects Quality: High
  Geometry Quality: High
   Texture Quality: Medium
  Lighting Quality: High
   Dynamic Shadows: High
    Dynamic Lights: High
 Texture Filtering: Low
    Audio Provider: Software
    Provider Valid: True
     Audio Quality: High
               EAX: True

Re: Weird Issue upon "trying" to start the game [AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa]

Posted: 2016-09-09 20:36
by XanderP
I have the same problem in Windows 8.1 ...
Btw, greetings from Portugal too :)

Re: Weird Issue upon "trying" to start the game [AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa]

Posted: 2016-09-09 20:49
by XanderP
Forgot to say, your screen refresh rate is at 75 Hz try to put it on 60 Hz.. You may have to go to the document's folder and change it by yourself in a text document!
Tell me if it fixed after you tried!