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1311: error verifying the integrity of the following file

Posted: 2016-09-28 04:11
by john_zidane
.... following file: C/.....prbf2/dbghelp.dll

this may be caused by unathourized file modifications, hard drive corruption, or file permission error.

it also says that i have to reinstall to fix the problem.

already reinstall twice..still got the same problem

Re: 1311: error verifying the integrity of the following file

Posted: 2016-10-03 14:56
by QuickLoad
When you reinstall, make sure that you don't transfer PR's unzipped(or in this case unpackaged .iso) file to any other folder.

Make a folder dedicated to PR, and unzip all of the contents into it.
PR needs all of it's starting files in order to complete setup.

Just a shot.