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enemy mumble hack?
Posted: 2016-10-02 23:49
by Engineer2
I watched a video and I found out that creedude is not in the same team with pugman.
What is going on and is it possible to fix it in next version?
Thanks for reading.
Re: enemy mumble hack?
Posted: 2016-10-03 14:51
by QuickLoad
Don't sweat about it. it's a simple PR mechanic and sometimes a bug.
On the mechanic:
When teambalance is auto(like it is on 90% of the servers in MP,) after a player dies on an up-balanced team, he or she will be teamswapped to the other team(The less balanced team, hence autobalance). During this time, his mumble will swap teams, and now the dead player of the enemy team can now speak to the team which just killed him on local.
On the bug: When doing solo servers, there is a slight chance that mumble will connect YOU(as theres no one in your solo server) to another multiplayer server where mumble is actually used.
An example is when I was doing a solo coop on charlies point, and had squad chat with squad 3 of the SAGA server.
Also, it's better to post in the BF2 bug section if it's not something about tech support(as this is)