Some of the following player names found, was deployed after a search I made throughout the member list of the tournament. Other player names has now been added by people from the community. Many times it is important that an information has more than one source, so validation from others is important.
I attempt to thank everyone having helped with information.
Web_cole, DonDoom, Wicca, Murkey, Fnixer, L4gi, Alex L., HunterMed, Saobh, Outlawz,, PFunk, sweedensniiperr, Cossack, Sekh765, AgentMongoose, MaSSive, Yrkidding, H1tman, Woolfson, Danger_6, Hotfranc, Spook, DEDMON5811, Smeggles
DEDMON5811, the first and only EJOD team CMDR, from campaign 1, and I found him October 26th, PM send to him and he replied on the same day, after having been offline the forums for a very long time.
DEDMON5811 completed the first campaign from start to end, thereby being the first commander player, having completed a camping in the tournament. So, with his PM, we now have response and information, from one of the first two commander players, in the great Project Reality Tournament. Awesome and Thank you again DEDMON5811!
The EJOD team, also being the first Opfor team, is to this day in 2016, the only team in the tournament having used the same name as a PR map.
CasualtyUR, I am so far unable to get in contact with him through the PM system and I do not have any other contact information, so if anyone from the community has such a contact, it will help the project a lot, to notify him on this tread. CasualtyUR has participated in at least 7 campaigns, from the start of the tournament and he stepped up to the plate as commander, helping a team once again, in campaign 10.
Maverick, is the PR player using the name "the.ultimate.maverick" ...after having gone through some of his threads today October 26th, I found the proof in the "USM" Thread, where he post on having run an ASOG training, in the Project Reality Tournament.
I've just run an ASOG (Project Reality Tournament) practice. It ran from about 2000GMT till 2330 GMT with about 30-35 guys there. ... 8-usm.html
Question then is if he has continued to call him self the.ultimate.maverick in other PR related places, clans end etc.
Afvalbak retired CATA CO, might have information on both the starting and mid campaigns, however, I am unable to get in contact with him, his PM inbox is full. If anyone here can get in contact with him, please tell him that his memory is needed.
Hitperson, he participated in the beginning campaigns and I do remember him too, however, not if he played as CO at some point, - help?
bonsai - Retired CATA SCO C7, did he complete the full campaign? Also CO in C7 and C9, please help with validated information?
Grayeknight NATO, did he not play both as CO and SCO in C6?, before being appointed to tournament lead?
Salah ad Din, CATA 1 CO, but in what campaign?
Khidr did play as CATA CO did he not? C6 or C7 perhaps? information needed?
I also remember a player with the name
Clypp, did he play in the tournament as a CO? Before C5 that would be.
We need to find out if Alex L. resigned in campaign 6 or 7, because with that we will know when Casualty was NATO SCO, Grayknight perhaps NATO CO and SCO too. In post 11 a source describe the replacement that took place.
Fnixer - starting PDI CO (source PM October 4th and post 36, however, new source October 20th state Fnixer should be mentioned as an appointed CO having participated in a very short amount of time, no battle commanding included. The two reasons for mentioning Fnixer, are to [1] respecting he stepped up to the plate and [2] letting the community know he has been appointed by the tournament administration)
So it is most probably Hotfranc, having done most or all of the commanding, remember to watch the videos!
Video links
HunterMed (some of the CATA teams)
Murkey (several tournament videoes)
Joseph Schlimmer (potential CATA 1 info on a battle CO)
Official PRT tube channel ... 7VWANHFlHw
Gaz3447 (campaign 1) ... V7scTetH2g
Project Reality - Chinese JDAM in PRT Extra Battle (0:48 a CATA 1 battle CO appears on screen)
From campaign 1 to 3 the CO position was named CMDR
Campaign 1: 1 or 2 battles during the spring of 2006. Start date was 02-18-2006
UK_force - starting ARRC CMDR (source post 28 )
DEADMON5811 - starting and ending EJOD CMDR (source DEDMON5811 him self)
Gaz - Replacement ARRC CMDR for UK_Force until the end of the campaign (source post 28 )
Alex L. - possible replacement ARRC CMDR (Source PM October 24)
CasualtyUR might also have been playing as ARRC CO? (source PM PRT October 1
Maverick - possible replacement EJOD CMDR for DEADMON5811? (did I have a source for this? check out Saobh PMs?, but we do have a source now, a thread posted by the.ultimate.maverick on a scrim between EJOD and ARRC, here it is: ... -arrc.html)
Campaign 2: at least 5 battles during the summer of 2006
Alex L. - starting and ending NODFOR CMDR (validated by primary source post 28 )
Maverick - starting ASOG CMDR (source PM October 10 2016 and
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin )
Kravixon - replacement PELA CO after Maverick (source post 54)
H1tman - replacement PELA CO after Kravixon (source post 54)
Campaign 3: x battles during the fall of 2006
Alex L. - starting NARFOR CO? (source in post 28 )
Hitperson - replacement NARFOR CO (source
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin)
Maverick - starting PELA CO? (source post 54)
Solitas - replacement PELA CO (we have two image sources to proof that: The first is where we find Solitas as an ordinary soldier in the bottom of the picture, just above the Administration-line. Note the date and the amount of players equal 782:
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin, and the second image source, is where we see Solitas as CO. Again, note the date and the amount of players, this time being 813.
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin)
Campaign 4: x battles during the winters of 2006 and 2007
Deg.0 - starting and possible ending RFAD CO (source post 28 and PM October 9 2016)
Hitperson - starting or replacement ARRC CO (image source
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin)
CasualtyUR possible ARRC CO (source PRT PM October 18th)
Fullforce - starting ARRC CO?
casualtyUR - replacement ARRC CO?
*** I think we almost can rule Fullforce out as an ARRC CO, since the image source attached to Hitperson, clearly show Fullforce as an Admin. Need to send a PM to Fullforce. I wish CasualtyUR would reply my PM.
Campaign 5: 10 battles during the spring and summer of 2007
H1tman - starting and ending MEDI CO - (validated by primary source in post 54 and in image source (source
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin))
Michael_Denmark - starting and ending PELA CO (source
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin)
CasualtyUR - starting and possible ending USEF CO ( source
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin
NiGHTWolf - Starting BCST CO (source
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin)
Solitas - replacement BCST CO for NiGHTWolf (source PM October 10 2016 and source PM October the 4 and image source
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin)
GrayeKnight - replacement BCST CO for Solitas (source
Project Reality Tournament Forums - Powered by vBulletin)
Maybe we got campaign 5 covered now? Seems Casualty, I and H1tman completed. Structure wise not a bad result, the enlargement of the tournament structure, taking into account.
Campaign 6: 10 battles during the winter of 2007 to the start of summer 2008
CasualtyUR - starting or replacement NATO SCO (source in PM October the 18 and source in post 11)
H1tman - starting and ending CATA 1 CO (validated by primary source in post 54)
H1tman - possible starting end ending CATA SCO (source my CATA 2 PM, the 2008 CATA COs and admin meeting)
Grayeknight - possible starting NATO SCO (source post 11)
CasualtyUR - starting and possible ending NATO 1 CO (source PM October the 18th)
Mars - starting NATO 2 CO (source PM October the 4 and the 18th)
Noobofthenight - replacement NATO 2 CO for Mars (source PM October the 4th and the 18th)
Eddiereyes - replacement NATO 2 CO for Noobofthenight and also ending NATO CO (source PM October the 4th and the 18th)
Michael_Denmark - starting CATA 2 CO (source my self)
Bonsai - replacement CATA 2 CO (source my self)
Campaign 7: at least 7 battles during the fall of 2008 to the spring of 2009 (start November 15)
(source ... /index.php)
Eddiereyes - starting or replacement NATO SCO (source post 43) (PM send)
CasualtyUR - possible NATO SCO (source post 55)
CasualtyUR starting and possible ending NATO 1 CO (source post 55)
Eddiereyes - starting NATO 2 CO including the first four battles (source PM October the 4th and PM November 2nd)
Smeggles - replacement NATO 2 CO after Eddiereyes and also ending NATO 2 CO ((source post 55 and PM November 2nd)
Farks - NATO 1 CO (battle 3 on Barracuda validated but how many battles and was he the starting NATO CO) (PM send)
Bonsai - starting CATA 2 SCO (source my PM 2008 when Bonsai explain about campaign 6 battles)
Bonsai or Aquiller starting CATA 2 CO? (source my PM 2008 when Bonsai explain about campaign 6 battles)
H1tman - starting CATA 1 CO until team got banned (validated by primary source in post 54)
Aquiller - re-starting and re-creating CATA 1 CO after former team got banned
Aquiller - starting and ending the new CATA 1 SCO
HunterMed - replacement CATA 2 CO after Aquiller (validated by primary source in PM October 10 2016)
Jigsaw - NATO CO in C7, C8?
Scot - NATO CO in C7, C8?
NATO CO in C7 - maybe not appointed CO. Perhaps a deal with Eddiereyes to play as battle CO
Funk - NATO CO in C7, C8?
Tirak - NATO CO in C7, C8? (PM send)
Afvalbak - CATA 2 CO (who took over after Bonsai? because Hunter was the ending CATA 2 CO, after he replaced Aquiller. But did Aquiller then replace Bonsai as starting on CATA 2? (source from Bonsai PM August 2008, just after he got appointed as the starting CATA 2 CO and CATA SCO too)
Campaign 8: 7 battles during late summer of 2009 and perhaps to late winter or the spring of 2010
Source for campaign 8 start:
Campaign 8 signups open Aug 22nd
Source for campaign 8 end:
Lost Platoon
Aquiller - starting CATA SCO
Aquiller - starting CATA CO
L4gi - CATA SC (which CATA team?)
Afvalbak - Seems he completed the entire campaign for which CATA team?
Orthas - Ending CATA 2 CO (
Jigsaw - Starting NATO CO (source post 55)
PFunk - starting and ending NATO Bravo CO (validated by primary source in post 55)
Eddiereyes - starting NATO SCO (source post 55)
Colonelcool - replacement NATO SCO after Eddiereyes (source post 55)
PFunk - ending replacement NATO SCO after Colonelcool (source post 55)
cfschris starting NATO but resigning before first battle (source post 63 and also the image source proofing he was appointed ...
Campaign 8.5: 6-7 battles during the spring of 2010
P*Funk - starting and ending NATO SCO (source post 57)
Orthas - starting CATA SCO and possible ending too (source post 57, post 59, PM October 21 )
Bonsai - possible starting and ending CATA CO (source post 30, PM October 21)
Who was then the NATO CO?
1. Yamalia: the CATA rush in helicopters on NATO 2nd capable flag
2. Qwai River
3. Beirut: where NATO grayed CATAs last flag but failed to capture it
4. Quinling
5. Fools Road
6. Muttrah
7. Siege at Ochamchira is said to be played (source post ..)
Source (Post 27, post 30 and in post 57 Web_cole as source, list 6 battles almost identical to the announced battles from the tournament news, also talking about a 7th battle that may not have occurred, since it has no following result)
Campaign 9: 10 battles during 2010-1011
Orthas - starting and possible ending CATA SCO (image source September 13th 2010,
Project Reality Tournament and image source from 2nd Sign Ups C9:
Project Reality Tournament)
Bonsai - starting CATA CO (image source September 13th 2010 from campaign start,
Project Reality Tournament, and image source from battle 3, March 4 2011, where we see Bonsai as an ordinary soldier in the right side of the screen:
Project Reality Tournament. Then again, at the third image source, from March the 30, we see the close down of campaign 9, where the administration gives thanks to among the others, also Bonsai:
Project Reality Tournament - So, Bonsai may have completed the campaign anyhow, ...what happened?)
P*Funk - starting NATO SCO for both NATO Alpha and Charlie teams (validated by primary source in post 55 and for the start of the campaign also supported by image source September 13 2010,
Project Reality Tournament)
P*Funk - starting and ending NATO Charlie CO (primary source post 55)
AgentMongoose - starting and possible ending NATO Alpha CO (source post 2) CO-Commander was Sekh (sources post 22 and 29 and also this video NATO C9b4 ... u5ywIRu-nY)
Campaign 10: 10 battles during 2014-2015
Spook - starting and ending PAC SCO (source PRT Campaign 10 - Final Sitrep #13 - winner announcement)
Norby - starting and ending EMF SCO (source PRT Campaign 10 - Final Sitrep #13 - winner announcement and post 14)
Cruzmissile - starting and ending PAC CO (source PRT Campaign 10 - Final Sitrep #13 - winner announcement)
Snipd starting EMF CO (source post 36)
ElMariachi replacement EMF CO for Snipd (source post 36)
Agemman replacement EMF CO for ElMariachi
(source PRT Campaign 10 - Final Sitrep #13 - winner announcement
CasualtyUR replacement EMF CO for Agemman (source post 36)
Danger_6 replacement EMF CO for CasualtyUR and ending CO for the EMF team (source post 36)
Campaign 11: 10 battles during 2015-2016
Danger_6 - starting and ending PDI SCO (source post 5)
Cossack - starting and ending MRF SCO (source post 5)
Aleon - starting and ending MRF CO (source post 5 and other public sources)
Hotfranc - structural wise not the starting PDI CO, he replaced Fnixer who was the starting PDI CO, but because Fnixer had only been in command for a very short amount of time, Hotfranc was practical speaking, the starting PDI CO, participating in both the preparation battles, on Operation Marlin and on Burning Sands, plus X of the campaign battles as well, making Hotfranc the ending PDI CO too. (post 36 and PM source October 20th, and the following video sources from C11:
PR Tournament C11 - Operation Marlin Prepbattle #1 [Hotfranc as CO] ... GrusEP-ae2
PR Tournament - Burning Sands Prepbattle #2 [Hotfranc as CO]
PR Tournament C11 - Nuijamaa [Senshi as CO?] ... k-cNpGEoYj
Campaign 12 - 6* battles during 2016-2017
Yrkidding - starting and ending APN SCO
ytman - starting and ending APN CO
Philrow - starting and ending EMC SCO
Senshi - starting and ending EMC CO
*the administration under Onil had planned the campaign to last 8 battles, however, an integrated point system, did not allow for more than six battles to be fought. EMC as victor of the campaign, winning on points after battle 6.
Campaign 13 - 2017
Mattytoosack - starting VOG SCO
CAS_ual_TY - starting VOG CO
WebCole - starting RPX SCO
PeppeJ - sstarting RPX CO
we will only post the names from the current campaign in this draft post, until the campaign is over. Hereafter they will be deployed in post 1.
Info on amount of work involved in the list so far:
1. Asking the Tournament Administration for access to the archives - my request was denied.
2. From Tournament Admin Onils advice, I started searching the tournament member list for people who had been mentioned as either CO or SCO. The search gave me some 15-20 player names and I indirectly learned, that a certain amount of the Admins also had been playing as either CO or SCO, although their profile does not mention it?
3. After my initial search through the tournament member list, I started a PM and Email operation, counting until today, between 50 to 100 PMs and emails. That is a minimum of 50-60 send, and an unknown amount replied. I have not counted the replied yet.
4. Created a thread in the commander forum, on the PR main site. Against my expectations, it rapidly got a lot of views and response. Glad for that - big time, boosting my dedication quite a bit.
5. From all the correspondence I learned that at least some people mentioned youtube videos as potential sources, so I started to search for videos and that proofed to be a useful source.
6. Asking the Tournament Administration to expand my PM inbox - my request was granted.
7. Sending out befriend to every CO and SCO player from the tournament, plus a few public COs too. Much more easy if I have their profiles listed. Besides commander players should befriend each other, why haven't I thought about that before, Jesus Christ 10 years has gone, how slow minded can I possible be - LOL?
Thoughts on my mistakes I so far have noticed my self:
First of all, I should have made a default formula, for people to fill out. That would have made both the personal interactions and the data collection, more easy to develop. I dont think the formula would have been an obstacle for some of the more difficult conversations I have run into, because with it, there would always have been the option to fall back on it, and restart an otherwise loaded dialogue.
Secondly, I should have created a deeper definition of the two completion statuses, I decided to make use of. Being, Completed and Partly Completed. So for the future result list, I now think a deeper definition should be considered. That way, we ensure every single person having stepped up to the plate, gets noticed by the community. I will post on it in the thread and ask for suggestions too. In fact, I should probably have asked for suggestions from the start.
Thirdly, when facing situations, where conflict of acknowledgment exists, and they do more than I had thought of, before I started up this project, I should have initiated a debate on the issue, with the people in the thread, before starting to contact anyone. Should probably have asked questions like; a) when two or more guys wants to be credited for the volume of work involved, in this CO/SCO dynamic, how to 1) approach that in the first place, and 2) should it be left out of the data collection, in order not to stir things up?
Fourthly, regarding the video sources on the battles, I should have prepared my self, by creating a dedicated thread for all of them, which everyone reading the thread, could use to confirm related statements and lack of memory.
Listing the players having been appointed only, or also played as SCO and or CO
- UK_force
- DEDMON5811
- Gaz
- Maverick (apparently banned in 2006, but his profile still exist, he used the PR player name, the.ultimate.maverick)
- Casualty
- Alex L.
- H1tman
- Kravixon
- Hitperson
- Solitas
- Deg.0
- Fullforce
- NiGHTWolf
- GrayeKnight
- Mars
- Noobofthenight
- Eddiereyes
- Michael_Denmark
- Bonsai
- HunterMed
- Aquiller
- L4gi
- Farks
- Jigsaw
- cfschris (appointed as starting CO but resigning before the first real battle)
- Scot
- Smeg
- P*Funk
- Tirak
- Afvalbak
- Orthas
- Colonelcool
- AgentMongoose
- Spook
- Norby
- Cruzmissile
- Snipd
- ElMariachi
- Agemman
- Danger_6
- Cossack
- Aleon
- Fnixer (appointed as starting CO but resigning before the first preparation battle)
- Hotfranc
- Yrkidding
- ytman
- Philrow
- Senshi
- Mattytoosack
- CAS_ual_TY
- WebCole
- PeppeJ
Quotes and links to threads and posts, related to info on why a team or campaign failed to deliver a commander not completing from start to end. No chronological order deployed:
02-12-2007, 02:41 AM
PR Tourney Vets Call to Arms! ... rms-2.html
post 16
Im in.
Im porbly going ARRC wih all the changes to air power.
Also, you bloody bastardos who deserted the ARRC in C4
You'd better be comming back to ARRC. Thats right, Squidy, Rank, Wormeaten, Blind, Powder you are all commin ARRC wether you like it or not. Even though C3 was legendary for being the worst Campainge. Man, you thought that C4 lost alot of players? In C3, on Shongua stalemate only 13 PLA showed up lol.
C5 is gonna kick ****.
post 36
Is Maverick still around? He was a good commander...
11-14-2006, 07:52 PM
PR Official Tournament - Signups are now OPEN. ... -open.html
Alex L.
The tournament will last for 5 to 7 matches, which are placed in a 2-week battlecycle. Matches are big (1 map with 900-1000 tickets) and usually last 1,5 to 2,5 hours, every other Saturday. Team trainings will be announced by the commanders. With 5 matches, that will place the end of the tournament roughly in February 2007. The first match is Saturday the 25th of November; 10 days from the day this post is written.
Tournament matches will be hosted on gloryhound servers, during which time the public server will be dissengaged in order to diminish lag issues.
The tourmanent is considered to be the teamwork experience in the community. Teams are very tighly organised to provide the most realistic experience possible. Previous succesful team commanders include battle-experienced leaders such as UK_Force, Wraith and Gaz, who serve on the R-DEV team today.
I can wholeheartedly reccomend joining one of the teams (US/Brit vs MEC/Insurgents) to participate in this unique experience; its heaps of fun and will let you experience the new 0.4 release from a whole new perspective - that of extensive teamwork and professionality. Its great for noobs to learn some new skils, too.
09-15-2006, 11:04 AM
Ideas around the commander posistion ... post173210
RainnMan is a nice commander.. ppl need to learn from him