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mouse not working, tried everything.

Posted: 2016-10-11 18:34
by noelio
This is starting to really get on my nerves.
  • Deleted the my documents folder called Project Reality.
  • Reset profiles about 90 times.
  • Made a new profile.
  • Toggled both PRLauncher and BF2PR.exe to run as administrator.
  • Reset controls ingame 90,0000 times.
  • Unplugged mouse and plugged it back in both before and during playing the game.
  • Restarted PC infinite amount of times.
  • Tried running in compatibility mode for Windows 7 for both PRLauncher and BF2PR.exe.
Mouse freezes on the deployment screen, can type, press everything on keyboard fine. Just can't move mouse.

Someone please, please, please, please help me.

Re: mouse not working, tried everything.

Posted: 2017-05-30 20:11
by captainfuture
Since some months PR sometimes "forgets" myy keyboard and mouse settings. So after loading I cannot move mouse curser (it seems to be stuck in the screen middle).

Solution: Go to Options-->Settings and reenter the settings for all keys and the mouse and if needed for the joystick.

(PR just had forgotten them all and not even fell back to default key settings.)