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Graphics on High but as if on Low

Posted: 2016-10-11 22:06
by Bogatyr
I recently started playing PR again, after a bit of a break (a few months off) and I made a new profile in the launcher just to change my name a little bit. However I use the same profile settings for graphics (and literally everything else) as on my main.. But still, when I go into the game I noticed that my textures are looking as if I put them on Low even though everything is on High?

The gun resolution, soldier resolution.. Even vehicles look blurry as hell. I tried fixing it in the Nvidia control panel, didn't work. Tried putting everything on Low then High, didn't work.

What is causing this? And how can I fix it? Now even when I go to my main Profile the graphics are looking as if they are on the Low setting aswell.

CPU: AMD FX 8320E 4.3 GHZ Octacore
GPU: Nvidia GTX Geforce 750Ti 2GB
RAM: 16 GB 2333 MHZ
OS: Windows 7 64 bit


If I go to the launcher, and then support the settings display different from what I selected in the options. It says..

Fullscreen: True
Display Mode: 1920x1080@60Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
Graphics Scheme: Medium
Multisampling: Off
VSync: False
Terrain Quality: Low
Effects Quality: Low
Geometry Quality: Low
Texture Quality: Medium
Lighting Quality: Low
Dynamic Shadows: Medium
Dynamic Lights: Medium
Texture Filtering: Medium
Audio Provider: Software
Provider Valid: True
Audio Quality: Medium
EAX: True

Re: Graphics on High but as if on Low

Posted: 2016-10-12 11:02
by Bogatyr

By going into My Documents, ProjectReality, mods, bf2, cache and deleting all the folders inside of it (they are shaders) and by also going to ProjectReality > Profiles > 0002 (second profile I made) and then opening video.con with notepad I edited and put everything on 3 (the max I guess).

For example VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 3 instead of 2.

Hope this maybe helps others..