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Please help me, I am suffering.

Posted: 2016-10-22 03:18
by TheCanadian
So, for the past week(ish), I've been encountering two different problems within PR. Which is sad, because the game was working perfectly fine before, and this is basically all I play. The worst part is, I've reinstalled the game several times (including half an hour before the time of this post, yet no luck) , and yet my crisis still remains. So lets get to the point, yes?

First problem that began showing up, is that my mumble seems to stop working basically every 30 seconds. I get into a Server, and I can hear people and they can hear me, and then suddenly I hear nothing, (voip, general game SFX work), and the little names that appear freeze on screen, and eventually dissapear. In the little box below all the channels in the mumble window, it says something along the lines of "Link to BF2: project reality has been lost" and then "you have been supressed". I do the standard alt tab to re open it, which takes a few times, and basically this issue loops over and over again. Basically this makes the game unplayable due to no communication, and constant alt tabbing. Any solutions?

Update : Yes, I've tried forcing TCS, and whatever that other solution was in mumble.

My Second issue, (Unfortunately, I cannot get a screen shot of this, it simply wont let me. ) is that once in a while, a bunch of gibberish numbers and letters appear at the bottom left corner of my screen, and I cannot get rid of them. This is pretty distracting, and very annoying. Solutions to this?

Keep in mind this game has been working 100% fine prior to this, which started about a week ago. Thanks in advance.
-Friendly Neighbourhood Canadianer.

Re: Please help me, I am suffering.

Posted: 2016-10-22 10:18
by Psyrus
Those numbers in the bottom left are also related to mumble. You gotta figure out what is causing mumble to delink from your PR. Think to what changes, if any, were made to your PC in the last 10 days