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Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2016-11-28 01:05
by Nightingale
Due to the new "player check" in v1.4 for deploying emplacements, it's incredibly easy to kill yourself when you are trying to make a FOB. I should not be killed by the game just because I tried to put a hideout next to a wall. For example, in this picture:
It's a pretty wide open street with no objects getting in the way. I died anyways. If I try to put a hideout anywhere except for a perfectly flat open piece of terrain with no nearby static objects, I always have at least a 50% chance of dying.
And that's just for simply placing a hideout between two walls. As for putting them into buildings... now it's almost impossible to stuff a hideout inside an enterable building without killing yourself.
I don't know why this change needed to be made in v1.4. Were people abusing the emplacements that much in the previous version? I thought everything was working pretty well in the last version.
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2016-11-28 14:56
by sweedensniiperr
I haven't noticed this at all. Can you provide an image of the location where you were trying to put down the fob?
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2016-11-28 15:23
by Mouthpiece
You must be really... awkward if you kill yourself with deployables. For me the new system is awesome. It always deploys next to my feet. And never hurts me.
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2016-11-29 18:20
by Brozef
I have not seen a single problem with deploying hideouts too close to buildings.
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2016-12-01 02:26
by Nightingale
After trying it again some more, I've realized that this problem doesn't affect all maps, and it's not a problem that all players will experience. For example, the enterable buildings on Dragon Fly have never caused me to die despite me putting lots of FOBs in them.
But there is definitely a difference from the last version of PR. For example, go visit a map which uses this kind of enterable building:
Previously it was very easy to force a hideout into the narrow hallway inside this building. Now, almost everytime I try it I end up killing myself.
That's one kind of example. It seems that some statics are more likely to "bounce" the FOB back at you than others. v1.4 Gaza seems to be a map that has a
very high density of statics that can cause hideouts to kill you.
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2016-12-01 02:52
by agus92
I've seen OP's problem at Gaza. SL tried to put FOB inside garage or similar.
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2016-12-01 03:10
by YAK-R
I've had a lot more fob related deaths, building where i would normally stand to place inside buildings is now killing me. That said, you just have to find a different place to stand to get the same result. It is possible, just more dangerous now
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2016-12-29 11:48
by Heavy Death
Nice, because FOBs in buldings are pretty meh.
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2016-12-30 16:27
There is a definite difference, I think this was implemented to stop people from glitching fobs inside of unenterable parts of buildings, which is incredibly rare. I have also noticed c-wire is harder to tie into other obstacles along with placing hmgs and tows.
Overall it makes fobs more difficult to use effectively.
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2017-01-01 09:01
by chrisweb89
Yep, whatever was changed now makes it so that whenever the fob kills me. it also doesn't deploy and I have nowhere to spawn... At least before if it killed me my squad could shovel the fob. Fobs also haven't gone into old spots that they did before, but thats not such a big deal. The getting killed and not even having it deploy is brutal.
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2017-01-02 12:34
by viirusiiseli
Takes an extremely long time to deploy assets now, if you're on any slope it takes a lot of tries to get anything down
Re: Deploying Emplacements is too Dangerous
Posted: 2017-01-02 16:23
by Heavy Death
Yes, the slightest inclines give me trouble.