Project Reality:BF2 v1.4.1 and v1.4.2
We've prepared 2 hotfix patches to address some launch-day issues players and servers have been encountering. Since some of corrected issues pertain to the PR Launcher, which can't be applied through the automatic updater, the first patch v1.4.1 must be manually downloaded and installed. We have a issue with the updater so we can't use it to apply the patch. We will also be including a full standalone installer for 1.4.1 for new and returning players; refer to the Downloads and Installation section for further instructions.
Bear in mind that the 1.4.0 Launcher will NOT directly push this update to your system, so please alert any friends and fellow PR players and direct them to this page to receive the update.
The remaining bugfixes are in another patch v1.4.2 which can be downloaded through the launcher after v1.4.1 is installed.
v1.4.1.0 Changelog
This is the manual update Patch.
- Fixed frequent CTD regarding graphic setting verification.
- Fixed automated updater not working.
- Fixed admin command !switch not working on dead players.
- Fixed spam from bots and hash/name verification on COOP.
- Fixed a server crash.
- Fixed IDF Merkava front armor.
- Fixed some breacher and spotter kits not being able to use shovel.
- Fixed Milan MIRA having wrong materials.
If you are new to Project Reality, visit the downloads page to download the standalone v1.4.1 installer.
If you have already installed PR:BF2 v1.4, visit the downloads page and download the Manual v1.4 to v1.4.1 Updater and run the executable.
Make sure the PR:BF2 installation path and operating system version(32/64bit) is correct before pressing 'Update'. If the patch was successful it will display 'Done'. Make sure to run it as admin and turn off your anti-virus.
Afterwards v1.4.2 can be automatically downloaded through the PR launcher as usual when you press "PLAY".
If you have already installed PR:BF2 v1.3.9 or a previous release, uninstall PR:BF2 and visit the downloads page to download the standalone v1.4.1 installer.
You can find the detailed PR Installation Guide right here.
Project Reality Mod Support
If you encounter any problems while installing and/or playing Project Reality: BF2, please check out the Project Reality Mod Support forum. If your problem has not already been posted by someone else, please do not hesitate to start a new thread asking for help.
Support Project Reality!
The Project Reality Team develops this modification completely free of charge for its community to download and play. If you would like to show your support, please consider donating to our team. These funds go directly towards website expenses, including bandwidth, hosting, domain registration, and maintenance. We never use donation funds to directly pay team members.
For more information, please feel free to join us on our IRC channel or visit our public forums to discuss this and other news. Also, be sure to connect to Project Reality through social media to stay informed and receive up to the minute updates, the occasional leaked bit of information, and more! See you on the battlefield!
- The Project Reality Team