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Instaler thinks Game is already installed

Posted: 2016-12-15 22:43
by llRvXll
Hello everyone, good evening...

I recently downloaded the new version of the game, installed it, and apparently there was a corrupted file, so i donwloaded it again... but now the instaler thinks the game is still installed and there's only a "PLAY" button... I already removed the game on the control panel and all files have been deleted too...

Can anyone help me?

Thank you for your attention :-D

///FOUND a way to go around the problem////

Sorry guys,

Mods, please the delete the thread, thank you! :-D

Re: Instaler thinks Game is already installed

Posted: 2016-12-24 05:25
by QuickLoad
uhh i guess just for future reference go to your disc (:C) and then search 'PR' or 'Project Reality' and delete all files before reinstall

Re: Instaler thinks Game is already installed

Posted: 2016-12-24 07:33
by fpspromotion
what was your solution ?