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Error 1221

Posted: 2017-01-12 22:16
by LandyVlad

For future reference issues and solution below.


Hi new player here.

I have just installed using the full v 1.4.1 installer iso.'

I've managed to set things up to the point where, when I press play, it tells me there are updates available

I tell it to update and it chucks an error

1221: Unable to obtain an update list

The game is installed to D:\Other Games\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2

During setup I nominated the download locations both as D:\Other Games\Project Reality

System is running DirectX12

I have tried both with and without Windows Defender active. (Not using other AV program)

Given this is the most recent installer version I'm a bit stumped as to how to solve this and would appreciate any help people can offer.

Naturally I did a search but all I could find were older threads or answers directing people to do a fresh install of 1.4.1 (to replace older versions they already had installed)

Thank You.

Re: Error 1221

Posted: 2017-01-13 02:29
by LandyVlad
I tried installing Directx9c in case that made any difference. It didn't.

Re: Error 1221

Posted: 2017-01-15 11:55
by LandyVlad
anyone ?????

Re: Error 1221

Posted: 2017-01-15 19:36
by fpspromotion
if autoupdate does not work, download patches here ... ution.html

Re: Error 1221

Posted: 2017-01-16 01:32
by LandyVlad
Do you mean I should sequentially install the 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 patches?

I have a 1221 error, not a 1212 error as is talked about in the post you linked.
Fresh install from scratch with the 1.4.1 stand alone installer iso. (not an update from previous version)

Still worth trying you reckon?

It's extremely frustrating as I really want to join in the fun !

EDIT: Just re-read your post - that's exactly what you mean ! Cheers.

Re: Error 1221

Posted: 2017-01-16 11:58
by LandyVlad
OK I downloaded the update files to my D:\Other Games\Project Reality folder

(My game is installed in D:\Other Games\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2 )

I made sure that the PR launcher is correctly pointed to the D:\Other Games\Project Reality directory for update file location (and log location)

When I go to launch, or click check for updates (it checks either way) it appears to still be looking for a download source.

In any event it doesn't find those files & install/patch them.


Re: Error 1221

Posted: 2017-01-16 13:59
by LandyVlad
SOLVED - for future reference / to help others:

I'm stupid - had 2 ISOs - had installed from the wrong one !

Tried again from scratch and doing the updates as advised.
Started with 1.4.1 stand alone install and added the 3 update packs.

All good.

Tried just to see what its like against bots - either they are good and/or I am hopeless.
Probably the latter !