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New Player LFG

Posted: 2017-01-30 16:26
by mark3390
Hi all. I'm fairly new to this game, but I'm getting the hang of it pretty quick. I'm looking for a either a group or a clan to play with. Preferably an older group with that's not heavy on the milsim stuff. That being said I wouldn't mind a milsim clan if the players are really fun to play with.

Re: New Player LFG

Posted: 2017-02-28 14:45
by S.Meijs[4SFG]
Hey there Mark,

You might want to look into our group, the 4th Special Forces. While we are a milsim unit, the lads in it are very friendly and fairly laid back. We're also not so strict on event attendance, as long as you notify commanders in advance. I will leave you with our Teamspeak address, so you can talk with me or any of the other guys. Hope to see you soon!


Re: New Player LFG

Posted: 2017-02-28 15:02
by Wicca
NATO Potato is a mix between full on milsim with a lot of potatoes.

So if you want a clan that is currently trying to get a 50 man team ready for matches, join NATO Potato:

Re: New Player LFG

Posted: 2017-02-28 17:12
by Heavy Death
PRTA - Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Primarily EU based, but here you find the biggest community which hosts a variety of clans, ranging from country-specific, to veterans only and everything inbetween!

We also host kick *** events from time to time. :)