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Can't launch PR; Error 1322. Very specific info inside thread

Posted: 2017-03-11 20:10
by ForeverBlue
Project Reality acts really weird for me.

I've reinstalled three times now and I get the same thing over and over.

After I fully install, I boot up PR, log in, and then I get something about an object reference, blah blah blah. I look at ProjectReality in my documents and I see that video.con and a few other things weren't made. I make them myself using Notepad, and then I bypass that error. I continue on, click ready, download the updates, and then after it verifies client files and tries to launch, I get Error 1324. I go into my options and I see that my display mode isn't set to anything, so I set it to a resolution. I relaunch again, verifies client files, still Error 1324. I go back into options and I see that Display Mode is red yet again. I try a bunch of different resolutions and refresh rates, still nothing.

If I'm right, it's something with my video.con and how nothing's being written in there. I download another person's video.con that had graphics and resolution already set on it, and I try to play. Now I get another error (Error 1322). I go back into the Project Reality folders and check to see if any of my .con's are Read-Only in 0001 and Default, they're not, but when I check if the files themselves (0001 AND Default), Read-Only is checked. So I uncheck them, click apply, relaunch PR, but I still get Error 1322. I go back into 0001 and Default properties and again, they're checked on Read-Only. I think my eyes are failing me at this point, so I uncheck them again and restart PR. I launch PR, and once again, Error 1322.

I have my anti-virus disabled.

I do have Battlefield 2 installed and I play it every day without problems (I've had no problems with Battlefield 2 ever.)

Specs are right here:

Code: Select all

System Information
  Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (10.0.14393)
      Architecture: 64-bit
   Current Culture: English (United States)
       Motherboard: eMachines MCP61PM-GM
         Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 215 Processor (Physical: 2, Logical: 2)
            Memory: 4.00 GB
      DIMM Modules: DIMM0: 2.00 GB @ 400 MHz
                    DIMM1: 2.00 GB @ 400 MHz
         Page File: 3.75 GB
    .NET Framework: 4.6+ Release Build: 394802, Runtime: 4.0.30319.42000

Display Information
 Display Device(s): 
   Display Mode(s): 
    Driver Version: (139.0 8)
    Display Memory: 256.00 MB
     Multisampling: 2, 4
               DPI: 96 (100%)

Audio Information
  Primary Playback: Speakers (Realtek High Definiti
 Primary Recording: 
  Open AL Renderer: Software
               EAX: True
           EAX 1.0: False
           EAX 2.0: True
           EAX 3.0: False
           EAX 4.0: False
           EAX 5.0: False
             X-RAM: False

Disk Information
      Install Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2
                    Free: 94.60 GB, Total: 284.99 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: Unknown
          Mod Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr
                    Free: 94.60 GB, Total: 284.99 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: Unknown
     Profiles Path: C:\Users\DankMemes\Documents\ProjectReality\Profiles
                    Free: 94.60 GB, Total: 284.99 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: Unknown
    Update DL Path: C:\Users\DankMemes\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\Downloads
                    Free: 94.60 GB, Total: 284.99 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: Unknown
   Update Log Path: C:\Users\DankMemes\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\UpdateLogs
                    Free: 94.60 GB, Total: 284.99 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: Unknown

Game Information
    Installed Mods: pr
       Current Mod: pr
           Version: Standalone - 1.0
        PR Version:
          Language: english
   Debug Available: False
     Large Address: True
Supported Hardware: None

Profile Information
      Profile 0001: ForeverBlue
              Type: Online
        View Intro: True
        Fullscreen: True
      Display Mode: 800x600@60Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
   Graphics Scheme: Low
     Multisampling: Off
             VSync: False
            NoLods: False
   Terrain Quality: Low
   Effects Quality: Low
  Geometry Quality: Low
   Texture Quality: Low
  Lighting Quality: Low
   Dynamic Shadows: Low
    Dynamic Lights: Low
 Texture Filtering: Low
    Audio Provider: Software
    Provider Valid: True
     Audio Quality: Medium
               EAX: True
I would be VERY grateful for a fix. I spent the past 12 hours reinstalling and trying to fix it. I've seen videos of this mod and really, I want to play this game so bad.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Can't launch PR; Error 1322. Very specific info inside thread

Posted: 2017-03-12 09:59
by fpspromotion
Display Display Memory: 256.00 MB

i believe you Need at least 1 giga graphic Card or better 2 or more

even if battlefield 2 is an old game, Project reality is modded gameengine and Needs good graphic Card and plenty of RAM is better

possible other measures:

Do you have McAfee? Disable McAfee's real time scanning and try running the game. If that doesn't work disable McAfee completely, that has been working for other people getting the same error as you.

Just remember to turn it back on if you're gonna be surfing some sketchy waves. ... 3-0-a.html

Re: Can't launch PR; Error 1322. Very specific info inside thread

Posted: 2017-03-12 16:08
by ForeverBlue
fpspromotion wrote:Display Display Memory: 256.00 MB

i believe you Need at least 1 giga graphic Card or better 2 or more

even if battlefield 2 is an old game, Project reality is modded gameengine and Needs good graphic Card and plenty of RAM is better

possible other measures:

Do you have McAfee? Disable McAfee's real time scanning and try running the game. If that doesn't work disable McAfee completely, that has been working for other people getting the same error as you.

Just remember to turn it back on if you're gonna be surfing some sketchy waves. ... 3-0-a.html
I do not have McAfee, I only have Windows Defender that comes free with Windows 10.

I know my GPU is really bad, but I can run Battlefield 2 at all low with 60+ FPS. Project Reality doesn't seem much different and I am perfectly comfortable with lowering my graphic settings for a playable FPS.

Re: Can't launch PR; Error 1322. Very specific info inside thread

Posted: 2017-03-12 21:01
by fpspromotion
think you Need GPU graphiccard with at least 1 giga or 2 giga Byte or more if you want to Play modern games

recomendations for battlefield 3 is 1 Gigabyte and Project reality requirements are higher than battlefield 3so a graphiccard with 2 or more Gigabytes is best i think

Re: Can't launch PR; Error 1322. Very specific info inside thread

Posted: 2017-03-12 21:10
by fpspromotion
Battlefield 3 System Requirements | Can I Run Battlefield 3 PC requirements
i checked your processor and ram and similar graphic card
i dont know your graphic Card 256 mbyte, you can post it, but i put an 512 ram Megabyte Card and your processor and ram so you maybe can Play only in low Settings so try set everything to low