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Mumble Not Working

Posted: 2017-04-01 13:29
by WusPoppinB
About two months ago mumble just decided to stop working, i can see the green text that displays the person is talking but i cant hear them and they cant hear me, i have reinstalled the game, restarting mumble while in game, running as administrator and pausing my anti virus software but still nothing, there was no issues before this.

Re: Mumble Not Working

Posted: 2017-04-01 13:46
by saXoni
I've had issues with Mumble's volume turning itself down to 0% randomly, which might be the case here. Open the PR launcher, hit options, go to the PR Mumble tab and hit the 'Launch' button. Go to Configure, Settings, Audio Output and make sure the Volume slider is turned up. I'd also make sure the device is set to the headset you're using.

Re: Mumble Not Working

Posted: 2019-01-18 15:24
by Die4Glory
my mumble just shut down when im launching it :( :(