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low gpu usage

Posted: 2017-05-21 16:22
by xpugur
Hi, (specs are i5-4210m 2.6ghz cpu with 3.2 turbo speed --- 8gb ram---nvidia 840m 2 gb gpu)
((windows 10 64bit with high perf selected at power options))

The problem is low gpu usage (around %40-60 generally) ((gpu memory usage starts with 1 gb and goes up to 1.4 gb after playin several hours))

I use msi afterburner program, i can also overclock little bit, +300mhz to memory , +120mhz to gpu core

so due to low gpu usage fps are low (20-40fps...depends on where i look at map)

heat is no problem i assume, gpu is 60-70 and cpu 70 degrees ...

...graphic settings are full details @fullHD +4AA

what could cause low gpu usa ? how can i fix this ?

if i play GTA V ,, gpu show s %99 usage and it is heat goes up to 80 degrees both cpu and gpu ... so i assume something wrond with PR ...

i select nvidia for using PR launcher and the game exe so intel gpu not used for the game...

Posted: 2017-05-21 16:29
by AfterDune
That's BF2's doing, it relies way more on the CPU rather than the GPU. We can't change that unfortunately.

Re: low gpu usage

Posted: 2017-05-21 16:47
by xpugur
[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:That's BF2's doing, it relies way more on the CPU rather than the GPU. We can't change that unfortunately.
i did not think it was because of cpu :S .. it is a online game so there is no AI so i did not assume it needed that much of cpu :S .. so cpu is the bottleneck :(

thanks for the answer ...

and i just found out SweetFX ((possibly most of PR players knew this)

i did disable AA from PR launcher .. start the game and found out that with sweetFX GPU usage rised to %80-90 ... and if close sweetFX in-game with scrolllock.. gpu usage drops to %40-50 ...

gpu heat goes over 70 degree but when i disable sweetfx it goes below 70 degrees ...


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---different image site ---

u can see the difference with and without sweetfx .. and it is look better with sweetfx.. i just started using this, i do not know future effects to gameplay and performance...

Re: low gpu usage

Posted: 2017-05-21 17:15
by AlonTavor
GPU is not the cause of low fps. This game is a joke for every modern GPU

Re: low gpu usage

Posted: 2017-05-22 07:52
Also seems to need at least 4GB on a 64bit or unlocked 3.5 + RAM on a 32bit. This seems to be a recent development.