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I will try to be like BlueDrake69

Posted: 2017-09-03 19:26
by sunshine2241991
I realize that i play PR like 2 - 3 times a week and i thought to my self well .... why not record my stuff anyway ...
so i start new channel because i want to be like bluedrake but more manly

this is first episode ....

Re: I will try to be like BlueDrake69

Posted: 2017-09-03 20:41
by Teewurst
To be honest, it's well done.
But why should a small PR community watch a 17 minute video of pr while most people play the game anyway?

It's incredibly boring.

Small videos of 2-3 minutes where you only show the highlights are much better.

Re: I will try to be like BlueDrake69

Posted: 2017-09-03 20:58
by sunshine2241991
2 be honest I thought of doing only highlights too .
but then I watch bluedrake video and saw that they are long too .
so I thought I make a try .
well thanks any way I will do short 1s