Mumble Local Chat Broken

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Mumble Local Chat Broken

Post by Mindless »

I can use the mumble squad chat just fine, but when i use the local, it doesn't work, others cant hear me, but if I am tabbed out of PR itself and open the mumble client, it works, but i cant be in game when I use it, any suggestions, I've tried changing the keys.
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Re: Mumble Local Chat Broken

Post by QuickLoad »

sounds like PR is conflicting with mumble, funny because they usually work perfectly and are made for each other.

I suggest a reinstall, but someone with more knowledge may say elsewise - up to you :D

before that, you can also try resetting everything to default, joining a MP server, closing mumble and letting it restart while ingame and see if it works.
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Re: Mumble Local Chat Broken

Post by WeeGeez »

It may have something to do with default communications device setting in windows sound IIRC, try setting it to the same device.

Seperately, I suggest (to everyone) they should set samplerate in sound properties to 16bit 44,100, or PR sounds will resampled by **** OS resampler to whatever is set there by default (usually 48k). This is only because mumble runs at 48k concurrently in backround, if mumble didn't operate, this would not happen. In other words, all programs are forced to the rate selected from drop down, but only if program differs in rate. See below

If this is set as above then mumble is resampled instead and not PR (which has pretty decent sounds).
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Re: Mumble Local Chat Broken

Post by WeeGeez »

Another suggestion which might fix the problem is to delete profiles folder in my documents > projects reality. I've repeated this suggestion about 4 times now because people do not browse the forums for people with similar issues. Once deleted open the pr launcher and retrieve account.
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