For this Area94 helps us host these changes. If you want to help, join us on their server tonight at 20:00 PRT.
guys, you have the mandatory mumble with all 100 players 99.98% of time and it's sources. just offload the players query from the actual server to mumble server. i've suggested that like 3 year agoSadly it did not work
TheMerchantOfMenace wrote:Thanks for trying, and here's hoping you won't give up.
Sirfstar's idea sounds good... even though, I'm not certain, but perhaps once in a while there might be a discrepancy between PR and Mumble... even if that were to happen, surely most of the time (the majority of the time) querying Mumble would give you a good list from which to post on PRSpy? Would be better than the 64-player list we have now, no?