What a confusing battle. A clear lesson in what can happen, when a team decide to leave one flank open.
Both ticket and battle wise, this was a clear RPX victory. Right from start Riamh Pax arranged it self in a defensive focused setup with the ability to counter attack if needed.
RPX lined up on both banks of the Dovre side river. Its center positioned behind the river it self, and with both its wings on the bank of the Vanguard Operations Group. Thus a classic plan, able to both defend and counterattack at the same time. Because with your wings positioned ahead of your center, again in this situation, located behind a water obstacle, you can both delay and counterassault at the same time. So basically a deployment able to bring the enemy team out of balance, that is, if the enemy is incautious.
Twenty minutes into the battle, Vanguard Operations Group decided to be exactly that.
Lets take a look on the Riam Pax setup
Same situation from the replay
So what happened next was the Vanguard Operations Group taking the initiative, in the north first, however only to be defeated due to basic tactical mistakes. Hereafter the VOG left its entire northern flank open, while attempting the same attacking maneuver against the south wing of the RPX. This time with a much stronger force than just previously and no big mistakes made as well.
As soon this southern VOG push came into the firefight with the south RPX wing, the northern RPX wing pushed into the open flank of the VOG team. Now this push, had it been reinforced by the RPX Command, could probably have ended the entire round very fast. However, for reasons unknown to me, the Riam Pax Command decided to only use the two six-man squads in the flanking move. Thus several attempts had to be made before the RPX finally broke the bag of the Vanguard Operations Group. And at some point, during this highly fluid fight, also called total chaos, the tickets even evened out.
So what eventually turned this chaotic fight into the favor of the RPX team, was partly its determination to continue to attack from several directions, now the VOG frontline had been exploited. RPX attacked from north, south, center and from the rear of the Vanguard Operations Group. But what also turned the chaos into the favor of the Riam Pax, was the very care the RPX command took, to deploy its FOBs according to the situation. It positioned them as closely to the RPX frontline as possible and also changed their locations several times too. Even constructing and exploiting a RPX FOB in the deep VOG rear.
So from the operational point of view, both teams made some big mistakes, VOG though, the most severe.
Never leave an entire flank open and always exploit with full force.