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PR Mumble not loading on start.

Posted: 2017-11-05 06:31
by APSInc
I'm on Windows 7. Mumble has previously worked for me but starting in I think 1.4.15 it stopped working, including not loading with PR at start.
I have tried loading Mumble before starting PR, tried restarting Mumble after loading PR and joining a server. Short of reinstalling PR (which is not an option ATM due to limited internet connection), has anyone been able to solve this issue?

All PR-associated .exe files have "Run as Administrator" checked, including PRMumble.

The log below is the only indicator of something not working right, but I don't know where that file is to potentially fix or isolate it.

Code: Select all

Project Reality Log File
PRLauncher.exe started at: 2017-11-04T20:44:03

Warning: Error loading available mumble servers

 > Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: . Line 1, position 1.

Re: PR Mumble not loading on start.

Posted: 2017-11-08 18:33
by captainfuture
Just to check: Make sure that you have not a 2nd (common) version of mumble running in the background...

Re: PR Mumble not loading on start.

Posted: 2017-11-22 05:18
by APSInc
Thanks for the reply.

I don't usually have Mumble already running in the background (I only use it for PR). Of course, if having an existing instance causes it to not work, that might explain why it doesn't help if I try and start Mumble before I start Project Reality.

Even so I'm open to any possible suggestions on getting it working. Any CFG files to edit or anything like that?

FWIW Mumble did work for me the other day, after starting a match (but not with P:R initially), but then did not work when I restarted the game later in the day. According to the process listing in Task Manager, Mumble was not running, but maybe it was hiding under a different name?

I'm still not sure why this issue is only happening now, but of course I'm open to any suggestions!

Re: PR Mumble not loading on start.

Posted: 2017-11-23 14:59
by Psyko
i'm also having this problem.

20% of the time mumble wont run when the game launches.