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Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2017-12-15 19:43
by UncleSmek
Hi everyone

I cant seem to get my head around this problem I am having.

It seems my screen keep flickering as soon as I start pr.

Does anyone know what kind of problem this might be?

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2017-12-15 19:45
by AlonTavor
Can you video it?

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2017-12-15 19:49
by UncleSmek
Yes. can I send you it some where?

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2017-12-15 19:59
by UncleSmek

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2017-12-15 21:15
by AlonTavor
rip GPU?
Does it happen in other games? does it happen in windowed?

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2017-12-15 21:29
by UncleSmek
seems to be alright in windowed mode. Is the GPU gone or what?

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2017-12-16 10:21
by Raklodder
What graphics card is that and what driver are you using?

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2017-12-17 20:31
by phrasper
I have the exact same problem. Also problem is gone in windowed mode.
Flickering continues in game. (in fullscreen mode)
Using a NVidia GeForce GT740M driver version

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2018-01-02 20:31
by Untamed
I'm getting the exact same problem identical to UncleSmek video, problem goes away when not it full screen mode

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2018-01-06 19:49
by phrasper
Inspired by another post where a user ctded when playing in full screen, but fixed it by moving the entire project reality folder to the desktop, i tried the same.

So far it works.

It turns it out it was me fucking around with the anti aliasing that fixed the flickering, but it absolutely killed my fps.
So its back to windowed mode for me :(

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2018-01-26 14:32
by UncleSmek
The problem remains but as pointed out, I fixed it in windowed mode.

Anyone know what might be the prob?

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2018-02-18 12:37
by Rag3
Had the same prob and solved it in windowed mod with the "Borderless Gaming" tool.

Re: Flickering screen on start and ingame

Posted: 2018-02-19 21:18
by IronFist
This sounds like screen tearing, the graphics card is rendering frames faster than they can be displayed, turn V-Sync and it should fix the issue. Had the same problem and it worked for me.