Had the best PR round of my life so far, yesterday....
It was on "Karbala" and we were playing insurgency-mode of course...... I was on the US Army side. I was part of a squad lead by "5th Poland" (And if you're seeing this, I lift my hat for you. That was some awesome squad leading) as a grenadier (at the start, then a breacher for the remainder of the round). So first we loaded up in trucks and came to the area enclosed by walls at the top of the map. We were going to build a FOB there. We constructed the FOB and after a while a techie approaches, drives into the area, firefight ensues. We survive the whole deal and move out, a squad member calls out "contact" and sure thing, they're right there 100-150 meters away. So we open fire. At the same time we come under fire by what we assume is a sniper. My first thought is that he's up in the minaret from where you can see the entire town. I try to lob some HE grenades up there. No idea if I got anything. But the rest of the team manages to move up and into cover. As we move up the street, a techie crosses the street in front of us. We continue to hear the roar of its engine as we move up. Suddenly the techie appears behind us and we're killed. He went around the block and got the jump on us, everyone succumbs sooner or later. Techies, techies, techies...... The techies (of all variants) would continue to haunt our squad for the rest of the round.

From this point onwards, I have the breacher kit.
We respawn at a FOB across the river in the east and immediately come under fire. This time from a confirmed sniper hiding in a minaret. It is not until I think about 2 minutes later, the sniper is killed and we can move up. After some "pathfinding" so to say, we manage to cross the river and move into town.
Now we're moving into a building, clearing it. No enemies in the building, but that ever so haunting sound of a techie's engine, roaring in the vicinity.

We're going cache-hunting!
So we move out into the streets after regrouping. Slowly making our way up the streets, covering eachother as we cross intersections and such. This was incredibly epic and so immersive, alot of that was because of our squad leader. He sure knew what he was doing. Once again, props to you "Poland"! Suddenly we have contact on the other side of the street. Smoke is deployed and we open fire. After the hostile has been eliminated we continue moving, this time onto a balcony (or terrace) where we regroup. Some shots are fired at hostiles running around by our AR. We continue our hunt. From this point onwards it is mostly walking, tactical relocation and "search and destroy". We clear a building complex, find a hideout which I demolish with 2 C4's, then we're going to move for the next cache. We move across a street and try to make our way up towards the cache. A new cache becomes "known" on our map. After some moving, the cache we were going for is destroyed. Not by us but another friendly squad. We decide to go for the last cache after rearming at a FOB.
It gets pretty epic from here on.
We assault the compound where the cache is supposed to be, together with 2 or 3 other squads moving in from different directions. It is a big compound, located in the western part of the map and is connected to the highway.
We split up, some take the left and some take the right. Me and another guy rapidly move in to clear buildings, after this we form up with the rest and assault some ruins within the compound. Someone manages to destroy the last cache and we win the round.
God damn, I enjoyed that round so much. Any of you who are reading this know which round I am talking about? Maybe you were even part of the squad?

Once again, I lift my hat for "5th Poland" on account of his squad leading, that was bloody awesome.