Distribution of heavy assets over time
Posted: 2017-12-28 15:50
TLDR in italic.
Currently asset maps often end up being one-sided steam rolls. This keeps coming up in one form or an other. People usually suggest some combination of nerfing assets, buffing infantry, and gitting gud, but I'd like to point out one other aspect that could use tuning.
Take this post with the following premises (aka. if you disagree with these, stop reading and consider this thread moot*):
- Asset maps (Khami, Black Gold, Burning Sands, etc.) are supposed to provide game play that is more focused on and around heavy assets.
- Assets make the game overall more fun, and simply removing them or the maps they are featured on is not a solution.
- Heavy assets are supposed to be scary, and should not be nerfed into the ground.
The problem is that infantry's capability to deal with assets is constant for the most part. You have a fixed number of LATs available, one HAT and two AA-s. You can build a fixed number of TOWs that will help a little bit. Kits may be unavailable for a couple of minutes, but the longest a team has to go without them is 5 mins at worst.
On the other hand asset numbers vary a lot throughout the round. If a team's armor is sub-par, a match can easily go the way of 4 tanks vs nothing; and it stays that way for over 20 minutes. More than enough time to steamroll anyone. The same thing happens with CAS. 3 jets face off against 3, the winner side gets to destroy every living thing on the enemy team afterwards.
This is not fun for the infantry, nor the assets on the losing side. So I'd recommend instead of making a map asset heavy by simply piling on more of a given vehicle, how about making them more prevalent by adjusting spawn timers. For example: 4 tanks could be replaced with 2 tanks that re-spawn every 10 minutes. The goal would be to smooth out the spike of impact that heavy assets have in groups. The infantry doesn't have to put up with an unbreakable wall of armor; the tanks/jets don't get 20 minutes of steam roll because their counterparts are more often there to put up a fight. I can imagine people bringing up a bunch of points against this:
P: But then less people get to be in assets!
R: Not really. Half of the 8-man tank squad is usually free-kitting or AFK-ing while their asset is down. This way people who do get into asset squads get a more engaging game with less downtime. The rest can also get a better round by playing proper infantry. Everyone gets off better.
P: The same two guys will take all the tanks all the time.
R: Git gud.
P: But I like big tank columns and my milsim demands formations!
R: Sure, not every map needs this. When a map is so heavily dependent on assets that half the team is in them already (Black Gold), this is not something you'd want to change. But altering the spawn rates can offer a different kind of asset map, where the threat is less overwhelming yet more prevalent.
P: Quickly respawning assets will waste a lot of tickets!
R: Not more than usually. 4 tanks getting rekt every 20 mins is the same as 2 tanks getting rekt every 10 mins.
P: Matches will be grindy! There should be downtime between assets!
R: Maybe there should be. But we see what the 20 mins leads to. Even less can lead to super steamrolls, and this is an easy change compared to trying to balance assets that are by definition not supposed to be balanced. And asset maps are supposed to be about playing with and against assets anyway. Not 20 minutes of inf gameplay and then 10 minutes of hiding while the asset whores decide the outcome of the game.
This is something that could be easily tested as it only requires server side adjustments, and can be tuned on a map-by-map basis. Currently every map just goes with the "20 minutes for heavy assets" because "that's how heavy assets work right?".
*Thread is not about changing how heavy assets feel and play within PR during moment-to-moment gameplay. There are plenty of threads about that.
Currently asset maps often end up being one-sided steam rolls. This keeps coming up in one form or an other. People usually suggest some combination of nerfing assets, buffing infantry, and gitting gud, but I'd like to point out one other aspect that could use tuning.
Take this post with the following premises (aka. if you disagree with these, stop reading and consider this thread moot*):
- Asset maps (Khami, Black Gold, Burning Sands, etc.) are supposed to provide game play that is more focused on and around heavy assets.
- Assets make the game overall more fun, and simply removing them or the maps they are featured on is not a solution.
- Heavy assets are supposed to be scary, and should not be nerfed into the ground.
The problem is that infantry's capability to deal with assets is constant for the most part. You have a fixed number of LATs available, one HAT and two AA-s. You can build a fixed number of TOWs that will help a little bit. Kits may be unavailable for a couple of minutes, but the longest a team has to go without them is 5 mins at worst.
On the other hand asset numbers vary a lot throughout the round. If a team's armor is sub-par, a match can easily go the way of 4 tanks vs nothing; and it stays that way for over 20 minutes. More than enough time to steamroll anyone. The same thing happens with CAS. 3 jets face off against 3, the winner side gets to destroy every living thing on the enemy team afterwards.
This is not fun for the infantry, nor the assets on the losing side. So I'd recommend instead of making a map asset heavy by simply piling on more of a given vehicle, how about making them more prevalent by adjusting spawn timers. For example: 4 tanks could be replaced with 2 tanks that re-spawn every 10 minutes. The goal would be to smooth out the spike of impact that heavy assets have in groups. The infantry doesn't have to put up with an unbreakable wall of armor; the tanks/jets don't get 20 minutes of steam roll because their counterparts are more often there to put up a fight. I can imagine people bringing up a bunch of points against this:
P: But then less people get to be in assets!
R: Not really. Half of the 8-man tank squad is usually free-kitting or AFK-ing while their asset is down. This way people who do get into asset squads get a more engaging game with less downtime. The rest can also get a better round by playing proper infantry. Everyone gets off better.
P: The same two guys will take all the tanks all the time.
R: Git gud.
P: But I like big tank columns and my milsim demands formations!
R: Sure, not every map needs this. When a map is so heavily dependent on assets that half the team is in them already (Black Gold), this is not something you'd want to change. But altering the spawn rates can offer a different kind of asset map, where the threat is less overwhelming yet more prevalent.
P: Quickly respawning assets will waste a lot of tickets!
R: Not more than usually. 4 tanks getting rekt every 20 mins is the same as 2 tanks getting rekt every 10 mins.
P: Matches will be grindy! There should be downtime between assets!
R: Maybe there should be. But we see what the 20 mins leads to. Even less can lead to super steamrolls, and this is an easy change compared to trying to balance assets that are by definition not supposed to be balanced. And asset maps are supposed to be about playing with and against assets anyway. Not 20 minutes of inf gameplay and then 10 minutes of hiding while the asset whores decide the outcome of the game.
This is something that could be easily tested as it only requires server side adjustments, and can be tuned on a map-by-map basis. Currently every map just goes with the "20 minutes for heavy assets" because "that's how heavy assets work right?".
*Thread is not about changing how heavy assets feel and play within PR during moment-to-moment gameplay. There are plenty of threads about that.