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Invalid GameSpy URL

Posted: 2018-02-25 19:34
by Mats391

As of this should never happen anymore. Let us know if it does.

If you are getting this error

This means that PR/BF2 finds an entry in your hosts file it does not like. For PR 1.5.3+ this would be any line that does not start with a '#' and contains "localhost". From only the first line should matter. This check was done by DICE, not us. We just made hack to only check first line ;)
You can find the hosts file at

Code: Select all

You can open it using Notepad. To edit it you will need to run Notepad as admin. You can find the default content of the hosts file here: ... he-default

Re: Invalid GameSpy URL

Posted: 2018-02-26 01:12
by acekiss
thank you so much. I was already going crazy ...

Re: Invalid GameSpy URL

Posted: 2018-02-26 06:46
by solidfire93
this worked for me, thnx for the help Mats.

Re: Invalid GameSpy URL

Posted: 2018-02-27 15:20
by AlonTavor
To make it clear:
All you need to do is insert a new empty line as the first line.

(Or stop messing with system files, you don't need a localhost entry in windows 7+)

Re: Invalid GameSpy URL

Posted: 2018-02-28 08:23
by SixBreaker
Got mine to work.


Basically go to:


Hosts will be hidden; you have to go to Organize Folder, Folder and Search Options, View, and make sure that "hide protected o/s files" disabled. You'll see the host file. Right click it, and under security, allow "full control"

You will see some random number or something, simply add # in front.

Re: Invalid GameSpy URL

Posted: 2018-03-13 23:47
by UncleSmek
I am currently having this problem since I switched to windowed mode. I have added the empty space and now I do not get the error message; but I do stilll crash.

Do you know what might be the problem?

Re: Invalid GameSpy URL

Posted: 2018-03-14 07:58
by AlonTavor
UncleSmek wrote:I am currently having this problem since I switched to windowed mode. I have added the empty space and now I do not get the error message; but I do stilll crash.

Do you know what might be the problem?
If you do not get this error message then it's not the problem. It can't happen anymore. Make a new thread and show exactly where you crash.

Re: Invalid GameSpy URL

Posted: 2018-05-20 15:11
by 00SoldierofFortune00
Just got this error. It was saying something about "not optimal resolution" until I tried it in windowed view and got this. Any help?


Re: Invalid GameSpy URL

Posted: 2018-05-20 16:43
by AlonTavor
00SoldierofFortune00 wrote:Just got this error. It was saying something about "not optimal resolution" until I tried it in windowed view and got this. Any help?

This isn't related. Make a new thread.