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CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-13 18:10
by Toxic505
I recently built a new PC and installed PR on it and with the new updates I have run into an issue where my CD hash is not unique to me and my hardware. I checked with some of the server logs and around 10 people are using my CD Hash. How can I make a new unique CD hash so my name isn't associated with others with the same CD hash?


Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-13 20:10
by Haley
Toxic is a HOG admin and HOG is notoriously low on admins...any chance you can fix this for him?

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-14 23:27
by Toxic505
Over 100 views. Can anyone help with this?

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-17 15:48
by Toxic505
So, maybe I need to add more information before someone will reply?

Code: Select all

System Information
  Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (10.0.16299)
      Architecture: 64-bit
   Current Culture: English (United States)
       Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Z170X-Gaming GT
         Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (Physical: 4, Logical: 8)
            Memory: 32.00 GB
      DIMM Modules: ChannelA-DIMM1: 16.00 GB @ 3000 MHz
                    ChannelB-DIMM1: 16.00 GB @ 3000 MHz
         Page File: 4.75 GB
    .NET Framework: 4.6+ Release Build: 461308, Runtime: 4.0.30319.42000

Display Information
 Display Device(s): Acer X34(DP) on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
                    Generic PnP Monitor on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
   Display Mode(s): 3440 x 1440 (32 bit) @ 60 Hz
                    1080 x 1920 (32 bit) @ 60 Hz
    Driver Version: (391.01)
    Display Memory: 4.00 GB
     Multisampling: 2, 4, 8
               DPI: 96 (100%)

Audio Information
  Primary Playback: Speakers (Sound Blaster Z)
 Primary Recording: Microphone (Sound Blaster Z)
  Open AL Renderer: Software
               EAX: True
           EAX 1.0: False
           EAX 2.0: True
           EAX 3.0: True
           EAX 4.0: True
           EAX 5.0: True
             X-RAM: False

Disk Information
      Install Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2
                    Free: 77.55 GB, Total: 464.44 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
          Mod Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr
                    Free: 77.55 GB, Total: 464.44 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
     Profiles Path: C:\Users\LilMike\Documents\ProjectReality\Profiles
                    Free: 77.55 GB, Total: 464.44 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
    Update DL Path: C:\Users\LilMike\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\Downloads
                    Free: 77.55 GB, Total: 464.44 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
   Update Log Path: C:\Users\LilMike\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\UpdateLogs
                    Free: 77.55 GB, Total: 464.44 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True

Game Information
    Installed Mods: pr
       Current Mod: pr
           Version: Standalone - 1.0
        PR Version:
          Language: english
   Debug Available: False
     Large Address: True
Supported Hardware: None

Profile Information
      Profile 0001: =HOG=Toxic
              Type: Online
 Last Used Profile: True
        View Intro: True
        Fullscreen: True
      Display Mode: 3440x1440@60Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
   Graphics Scheme: High
     Multisampling: 8x
             VSync: False
            NoLods: False
   Terrain Quality: High
   Effects Quality: High
  Geometry Quality: High
   Texture Quality: High
  Lighting Quality: High
   Dynamic Shadows: High
    Dynamic Lights: High
 Texture Filtering: High
    Audio Provider: Software
    Provider Valid: True
     Audio Quality: High
               EAX: True
Also, I am assuming there is zero fix for this bug in PR right now since none of the support devs have replied. I wish the devs luck in fixing this issue.

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-17 17:16
by FreddyM
Hey! I started playing this game last Tuesday (13th) And I have the exact same problem as mentioned above. I am banned from a lot of servers, and I checked my CD Hash and got confirmed from a HOG admin that the Hash originally belongs to a well known cheater. Please help me with this and give me a new hash. There is no other way for me to be able to play this..


Freddy M

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-19 03:47
by Haley
Freddy has a hash collision with Lazed/Swat

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-19 18:34
by Toxic505
FreddyM wrote:Hey! I started playing this game last Tuesday (13th) And I have the exact same problem as mentioned above. I am banned from a lot of servers, and I checked my CD Hash and got confirmed from a HOG admin that the Hash originally belongs to a well known cheater. Please help me with this and give me a new hash. There is no other way for me to be able to play this..

So there is a fix for only a few people who's hash's are not banned from servers. For those who have a hash that is banned from a server you're pretty much SOL until the devs can sort out another fix.

For the fix that worked for me, someone with the same hash as myself had to be connected to a server that I was on at the same time. The game will notice the issue and generate a new hash for the users. That is how I was able to get a new hash.

I wish those who have this problem, good luck! Hopefully the devs will be a little more vocal about this issue instead of leaving some of us in the dark.

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-21 16:06
by FreddyM
Well if the game has such feature, there must be a way to force activate this. I really want to play some Deployment, but I am currently banned on all the popular servers..

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-25 16:04
by FreddyM
Any update on this? I really want to play... Being banned from ALL deployment servers suck. Feelsbadman :(

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-25 16:35
by Toxic505
FreddyM wrote:Any update on this? I really want to play... Being banned from ALL deployment servers suck. Feelsbadman :(
Sorry man. I guess the devs don't figure this an issue big enough that warrants a response. :o ops:

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-25 18:31
by Mats391
Toxic505 wrote:Sorry man. I guess the devs don't figure this an issue big enough that warrants a response. :o ops:
We have a system in place to remove hash collisions. We will not force new hashes as we have no way to tell if someone is legitimately banned or not. Anyone that is affected by this and banned on servers needs to contact that server and ask to be unbanned. Servers exist for long time and have long ban lists, most of those on that list likely are not even around anymore or got banned for stupid reasons in first place.

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-25 22:42
by Toxic505
[R-DEV]Mats391 wrote:We have a system in place to remove hash collisions. We will not force new hashes as we have no way to tell if someone is legitimately banned or not. Anyone that is affected by this and banned on servers needs to contact that server and ask to be unbanned. Servers exist for long time and have long ban lists, most of those on that list likely are not even around anymore or got banned for stupid reasons in first place.
See, I wish you or another dev would've commented sooner on this issue. At least that shines more light on the issue, thanks.

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-03-29 20:37
by Haley
Freddy has the same hash as Lazed/Swat

Re: CD Hash

Posted: 2018-04-14 08:12
by boomer1911
FreddyM wrote:Hey! I started playing this game last Tuesday (13th) And I have the exact same problem as mentioned above. I am banned from a lot of servers, and I checked my CD Hash and got confirmed from a HOG admin that the Hash originally belongs to a well known cheater. Please help me with this and give me a new hash. There is no other way for me to be able to play this..


Freddy M

hi i got the same Hash key as yours( f498b1283e87ec68ab66f4a7d04d92e2 ) you want us to join the same server ? .... it will force the hash to change ....... i hope you can see this