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Audio problems

Posted: 2018-05-11 20:52
by Teunvd
Hey all,

I have some issues with my audio, i hope someone can help me.

As soon as I start PR, my audio is bugging. It switches automaticly every 5 seconds between my headset, nothing and my speakers. When I start up my PR it happends not only to my PR and mumble, but teamspeak, YouTube, everything....
When i close PR again, the issue is gone. Everything works fine for me then.
It is really anoying because i cant play pr anymore like this...

Hope someone can help me :)

Tuna the fish aka teunvd.


Re: Audio problems

Posted: 2018-05-15 14:00
by WeeGeez
Try disable auto headphone detect options. Thats either in windows sound options or a control panel from vendor. i.e. Realtek.