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BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-03 01:09
by Rivero
Hello guys, I need some help to fix this problem T-T

Also i already tryed deleting the documents PR folder and nothing.


Dxdiag!jhInUJ7a!vbVTTrRJCL8z ... 6juH-5QKVg

Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-03 13:03
Post your pc specs. I guess your system cannot withstand PR's requirements

Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-03 14:56
by AlonTavor
Its not a requirements problem. I don't remember what causes it. Running as admin after deleting PR folder in my documents (again) might help.

Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-03 20:44
by Rivero
[R-DEV]AlonTavor wrote:Its not a requirements problem. I don't remember what causes it. Running as admin after deleting PR folder in my documents (again) might help.
Nope, nothing for now, same error

Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-09 19:56
by Mats391
Try setting custom resolution and see if that helps

Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-10 20:42
by Milan.
Try setting custom resolution and see if that helps
How do you set a custom resolution?


Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-11 17:39
by Mats391
In the options below the normal resolution settings:

Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-11 23:41
by Milan.
Tried (with more than 5 resolutions), same error..

Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-12 00:31
by LITOralis.nMd
It's probably the refresh rate on your monitor.

Let us know what the refresh rate is.
Are you using something like a CRT monitor, or a flat panel TV ?
Do you have multiple monitors, and each monitor has different refresh rates?

Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-14 11:36
by Milan.
The pc is a laptop HP 15-AY032NL, the monitor is an HD SVA BrightView (15,6” - 1366x76 8)

I checked the refresh rate on and it is between 60.000 and 60.003 hz

I tried also using an external monitor with same rates but I get the same error

Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-14 18:00
by Milan.
Update: I found a solution for the "Error Unknow DynamicOption"

I've updated the driver of my second graphic card Intel HD 520

But now I have another problem: I click on play -> Screen of loading -> cursor of PR appear, I hear the menu music -> Crash. I tried windowed to see the problem but there isn't any error. What it could be?


Re: BF2 Error Unknow DynamicOption value 800x600

Posted: 2018-06-14 18:39
by Milan.
Update 2: I have updated the game now I can play!!!
