Veterans-Gaming wrote:Can you connect to our server and play Project Reality normally, even though Mumble is not working? Or does the game give you problems, too? Problems would be frequent disconnects from the game, severe lag where you see other players and vehicles warping or jumping from place to place.
Several of our players, members, and Admins use VPN's - it has no impact on ban evading because of other identification systems. VPN's are something we allow, and should work just fine. We'd love to help get you connected if it is possible.
There are a number of troubleshooting steps we could take, and many have already been suggested above, and some of these guys are more familiar with the ways of Mumble.
Woah, so wait you really support VPN's I'm really happy about that man I will reinstall Project Reality and try that out, I can't lie but I'm really happy about that, and yes I can play Project Reality without mumble everything works fine except for the mumble but I feel like it's kinda dead for me, and I lost the point of team work, and I need mumble for using tank eh because some people told me that it's important, and most of the people uses like voice chat and eh like mumble is really important if you know what I mean and I really want to play it with mumble, and thanks alot I will reinstall Project Reality and try to use VPN to connect to your server.