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game freez :(

Posted: 2018-07-16 19:48
by Putin
Hi, when I start pr launcher/setting and change a quality video my game freeze for 5 sec

and when the black screen appears my screen goes to green and other colors for 1-3 sec

and when I choose to deploy to server my game takes a long time to join the battlefield

and finally when I spawn my game start to freeze :( :(

Note(all drivers are up to date+never had this problem before)

Re: game freez :(

Posted: 2018-07-17 04:53
by Putin
Any idea?

Re: game freez :(

Posted: 2018-07-17 12:21
by WeeGeez
Sounds like you recently upgraded to windows 10 and microsoft messed up.

Try this

Win10 will be the mods downfall at this rate I reckon

Re: game freez :(

Posted: 2018-07-17 17:12
by Putin
Nah man I found out that my rams are dying :( Damn ryzen :(