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Question about PRMumble

Posted: 2018-07-21 15:00
by Elwaen
I'm interested by your PRMumble because i see on youtube one video on VOIP chat with 3rd positional in an another game (Mount and Blade Warband) with your plugin. ( )

I wanted to know if I get PR: BF2 v1.5 and the PRMumble version in, do you think it will work again? :)

Re: Question about PRMumble

Posted: 2018-07-21 15:22
by Mineral
PR:Mumble is just a rework of the open-source mumble software :) I'm guessing that Mount & Blade guy found a way to make the original Mumble work with it. I doubt PR:Mumble will be of any help to you ;)

Re: Question about PRMumble

Posted: 2018-07-21 15:41
by AlonTavor
I still use vanilla Mumble daily, but vanilla Mumble plugins are pretty buggy in my experience. The plugins are per game, PR plugin will not work with another engine.

I've removed Mineral's link because he was fooled by Google, that isn't the official site. this is.