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Invalid Cd key (Duplicate Hardware Key Hash)

Posted: 2018-07-23 07:39
by Uyas
this error happen everytime when i and my friend want to join to the same server. the error say "Invalid Cd Key" i look up to the forum how to fix this problem and found out how to change the cd key but after i changed cd key the error keep coming and i can't join the server but my friend can enter the server. so i found out maybe the problem is if we have same hardware key hash, it make us can't join the same server. anyone know how to fix this problem so we can play pr together agian? Any help would be greatly appreciated :razz:

Re: Invalid Cd key (Duplicate Hardware Key Hash)

Posted: 2018-07-23 16:55
by Mats391
Whats your and your friends in game name?

Re: Invalid Cd key (Duplicate Hardware Key Hash)

Posted: 2018-07-23 17:42
by Uyas
Uyas and kikil.cmh

Re: Invalid Cd key (Duplicate Hardware Key Hash)

Posted: 2018-08-24 05:08
by Criisw
I have the same problem.. I need a solution pleaseee.. I don't know how to change the key

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