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Error 1201 and Error 1004

Posted: 2018-08-10 05:51
by Senior
Error 1004: Alright, so i just re-downloaded PR, basically i once i installed the game i tried to enter one of my old accounts, when i press "Retrieve" it's stays there for 2 to 3 minutes, once that pass what it's says | 1004: Error connecting to server. (10060) i have uninstalled the game, closed open it but it continue giving me that error, i have even tried to create a new account but it still gives me that error, i need some assistance.

Error 1201: Alright, because all of the above happen i decided to just use a offline account when i downloaded the first update i was going for the 2nd one but it gives me this Error, 1201: "Error connecting to download server. Can not get file information." I don't know what to do since i already tried everything from uninstalling to restarting my pc any fix for this two errors? so i can go back playing this game.