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=SEA= (South East Asia Community)

Posted: 2018-11-06 14:46
by johanhan
Server Information

Server Name: =SEA= | INTENSE WARZONE |

Server Size: 100

Server Location: Singapore

Server Admin : Syuqri , Johanhan

Map Rotation: Map Votes & Set by Admins

Smart Balance: enabled/2

Battlerecorder: enabled

Team Kill Auto Kick/Ban: disabled

Squadless Kick: disabled

Reserved Slots: None

High Ping Kick: disabled

Ban Appeals : ,

Server discord :

Microphone required: yes/ For squad leader and assets use

Squad Creation time: 2:00

Server Rules: ,

Re: =SEA= (South East Asia Community)

Posted: 2018-11-07 16:48
You should enable squadless kick.

Re: =SEA= (South East Asia Community)

Posted: 2019-02-08 18:32
by Outlawz7
Your co-op server switches humans to bot team every other round like its deployment when it isn't.

Re: =SEA= (South East Asia Community)

Posted: 2020-11-30 10:07
by Iguanadjy
For an unknown reason today is SEA trying to seed why not I thought, being living in the Philippines rn so I thought ping wise would be great... but my god the lag on this server is unbearable... I lag less playing on european servers or even the russian one... everybody complained about constant lag... might be some server issue there ... I mean singapore is known to have one of the best internet of SEA ... whats going on there?!?

Re: =SEA= (South East Asia Community)

Posted: 2020-11-30 12:05
by Golden_Pilot
Iguanadjy wrote:For an unknown reason today is SEA trying to seed why not I thought, being living in the Philippines rn so I thought ping wise would be great... but my god the lag on this server is unbearable... I lag less playing on european servers or even the russian one... everybody complained about constant lag... might be some server issue there ... I mean singapore is known to have one of the best internet of SEA ... whats going on there?!?
Yesterday was horrible for most of the servers, legit every server got attacked.

Re: =SEA= (South East Asia Community)

Posted: 2020-11-30 12:27
by Iguanadjy
Golden_Pilot wrote:Yesterday was horrible for most of the servers, legit every server got attacked.
Ok so it was really some ddos happening there? Sorry for the bad review there...