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"Lost connection to the server" after 5 minutes playing

Posted: 2018-12-16 19:03
by Arthur9033
Hi all

I'm used to play PR without any problems. But i have problems with my connection the last few days. Every server i join lost his connection after 5 minutes. The game frezes and i get back to the serverlist.

I'm using a WiFi with a 5ghz antenna and i've got internet speeds of 180Mb/s. Someone who can help me?


Re: "Lost connection to the server" after 5 minutes playing

Posted: 2018-12-19 18:21
by lakinen
For every online game play it is recommended wired internet connection.Check if it's suddenly jumping ping when you in the game.If that's the case,then you have problems with by sending or receiving data from net.

The best way is to go on this site:

The screen should look like this,when you do it by the instructions:

Do you have a problem with other online FPS games?


There's no real flame on your screen, it's just magic :)

Re: "Lost connection to the server" after 5 minutes playing

Posted: 2019-01-05 20:31
by Arthur9033
I dont have any problems with other games like BF3, BF4 and even BF1. Between like 20/12/18 and a few days ago, the problem was solved. But now i've the same problem again. The highest my Ping goes is 100, but most of the time it stays between 24 and 35. And in all of a sudden, the game freezes and i get back to the serverlist.

Ingame taskmanager:

Any ideas how to fix this?

Even better: Mumble keeps working when im 'kicked'. I can still hear the squad

Re: "Lost connection to the server" after 5 minutes playing

Posted: 2020-02-13 04:07
by Arab
Had the same issue a long time ago.
Chances are Punkbuster Service for BF2 will need to be removed since PRBF2 doesn't use it anymore, and since Punkbuster detects PRBF2.exe as BF2.exe, it tries to connect and ends up with the disconnection that you will see.

So if you have Punkbuster Service or Punkbuster installed, uninstalling it will enable the connection to work after 5 minutes.
Arthur9033 wrote:I dont have any problems with other games like BF3, BF4 and even BF1. Between like 20/12/18 and a few days ago, the problem was solved. But now i've the same problem again. The highest my Ping goes is 100, but most of the time it stays between 24 and 35. And in all of a sudden, the game freezes and i get back to the serverlist.

Ingame taskmanager:

Any ideas how to fix this?

Even better: Mumble keeps working when im 'kicked'. I can still hear the squad
Mumble can be buggy and not display the overlay or allow your mic to work sometimes.
Just need to restart Mumble by Alt-Tabbing, then closing the dogtag icon on the bottom-right of the Start Menu.