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Failed linking to launcher

Posted: 2018-12-30 19:00
by centipod
Now and then I get Failed linking to launcher when I join a server.
When I try to spawn I disconnect.

Restarting the game helps. Don't actually know if just reconnecting works. It only happens right after startup.

Have been like this for a couple of months maybe. I have the feeling it helps to wait a bit after starting windows (10) before running the launcher and then wait 10 seconds before running the game but who knows...

It's not a major problem but it can be quite annoying when you have finally got a place in a full server and found a good squad to play with and the have this happen when you try to spawn :)

Any ideas? Thanks!

Re: Failed linking to launcher

Posted: 2019-01-02 13:05
by Mats391
To debug this we need a full memory dump of the prbf2.exe process when it failed linking. Other than that, we cant really do much :( We could try to change the message so that it shows instantly after joining a server rather than after spawning.