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a good map idea

Posted: 2019-01-14 11:15
by selman
i am going to make a map in the future but dont know for sure which war or battelfield i should choose. Could i get some ideas at the comments

Re: a good map idea

Posted: 2019-01-15 11:08
by anantdeathhawk
Tessalit, Mali and Achemelmel, Mali. Tessalite has an airport. French Vs African Insurgents.

Re: a good map idea

Posted: 2019-01-15 18:17
by Veterans-Gaming
Battle of Lammoth, the second battle of the Wars of Beleriand, during the ten day battle at the Fens of Serech.

Whole battle might be cooler later into it, though, but might be difficult to render Balrogs on such an old Battlefield game engine

;) (j/k)

Re: a good map idea

Posted: 2019-01-16 09:38
by Ason
I would make a ww2 map, perhaps arnhem.

Re: a good map idea

Posted: 2019-01-16 11:47
by parch
I rate this thread Tibbar/10

Re: a good map idea

Posted: 2019-01-18 01:30
by Max_
anantdeathhawk wrote:Tessalit, Mali and Achemelmel, Mali. Tessalite has an airport. French Vs African Insurgents.


Re: a good map idea

Posted: 2019-01-18 06:34
by anantdeathhawk
Well i just searched for 10 mins and came up with that. :wink:
Nice, hope to see it in works and others as well. :o

Re: a good map idea

Posted: 2019-01-18 18:04
by Rabbit
Max_ wrote:hummmmm

Whats chora

Re: a good map idea

Posted: 2019-01-18 21:26
by Max_
Your map,
Fun fact, [R-DEV]Max is still yet to commit anything over 6mbs making him more useless than camo