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Insta kick after first spawn

Posted: 2019-09-07 19:39
by mries
Havent played PR in half a year or so and wanted to start up again.
Never had issues but now when I join a server, after joining a squad etc. when I chose a spawnpoint, the server instakicks me with 'tk reason'.

Tried 3 times just now and both servers below do the same:

When not yet spawned and just in the menu, when I press tab, my Ping is circa 90.

What could be the case?

Re: Insta kick after first spawn

Posted: 2019-09-07 20:24
by Suchar
What's your in-game name?

Re: Insta kick after first spawn

Posted: 2019-09-07 21:38
by AlonTavor
Your anti-virus is shit.

Re: Insta kick after first spawn

Posted: 2019-09-08 09:52
by mries

After restarting the game it worked once.
I 'paused' the antivirus before that all already.

Re: Insta kick after first spawn

Posted: 2019-09-08 13:12
by AlonTavor
You can't "pause" some anti-virus features, they go deep into kernel in ways that aren't togglable without a full restart.
Stop using AVAST.

Re: Insta kick after first spawn

Posted: 2019-09-08 14:50
by Rabbit
AlonTavor wrote: Stop using AVAST.
but avast is cheap

Re: Insta kick after first spawn

Posted: 2019-09-08 15:53
by AlonTavor
Rabbit wrote:but avast is cheap
MSE is free.