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PR:BF2 has closed, cleaning up resources

Posted: 2019-09-21 19:17
by JohnnySmith04
Hey guys , i just wanted to play PR but for about a week now , this is happening : I log into the launcher - Start the Game - quick blackscreen---

I already tried launching window mode and changing solution (800 x 480 )

also tried it with normal solution (native 1920x1080@60Hz) and windowed
boom well , its exacly the same

i've seen so many posts but none of them helped , will i ever be able to play the game again?

Re: PR:BF2 has closed, cleaning up resources

Posted: 2019-10-19 10:02
by Eloxx
I have the same problem.

Any help would be welcome.

Re: PR:BF2 has closed, cleaning up resources

Posted: 2019-10-19 10:39
by Outlawz7