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"Connection failed: Remote host closed connection"

Posted: 2019-10-11 11:02
by UncleSmek
Hey party people

I keep getting this message when trying to connect to mumble:

"Connection failed: Remote host closed connection"

Any idea what it might be?

Re: "Connection failed: Remote host closed connection"

Posted: 2019-10-11 11:26
by AlonTavor
Which server?

Re: "Connection failed: Remote host closed connection"

Posted: 2019-10-11 22:16
by UncleSmek
All of them

Re: "Connection failed: Remote host closed connection"

Posted: 2019-10-12 08:37
by AlonTavor
%appdata%\Project Reality\Project Reality Mumble\

Delete that folder see if that helps. Maybe something here got very weird that all servers close connection without an actual error.