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Stuck on "Joining Server" Constantly

Posted: 2019-12-09 08:29
by seeeker
Selecting server from server list and joining via double click would sometimes result on the "Joining Server" message to display but nothing would happen. Dismissing this message by clicking anywhere and retrying to join a server would usually resolve issue and client would connect to server and load map.

Now however this workaround no longer works and sometimes I see the following message when PR crashes/exits:

Code: Select all

Project Reality Log File
PRLauncher.exe started at: 2019-12-09T00:04:35

Error: 1105: There was an error authenticating the game process. Please try again.

Deleted profile and retrieved it again but issue persists.

Re: Stuck on "Joining Server" Constantly

Posted: 2019-12-09 09:05
by AlonTavor
Don't think the problems are related. That one you can blame on anti-virus / lack of permissions.