Real-Life Event - Preparation Meeting - 7th of March 1900 UTC

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Posts: 7334
Joined: 2008-01-05 14:53

Real-Life Event - Preparation Meeting - 7th of March 1900 UTC

Post by Wicca »

Real-Life Event -
Preparation Meeting #1



PRTA Presents: Real-Life Event | Planning meeting | 7th of March 1900 UTC

Permission and credit given to/by Midnight to use image.

Server: Earth
Server Password: blamewicca
Map: TBD
Time/Date: TBD
The situation
After last year's success, we couldn't wait to announce PRTA's second real-life event. Between a lot of people saying they want to participate again this year as well as other people regretting they weren't able to join us last year, this year's real-life event is sure to exceed the last. Not just in terms of attendees but also in terms of the overall quality thanks to the feedback you provided!

To get you all in the spirit of this year's event, and in order to be able to start the preparation efforts in a reasonable time, we're inviting all those who are interested in joining us again this Saturday at 19:00 PRT(20:00 CET) at!
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The great number of events and additional activities did not disappoint last year, as with anything you do after drinking beer, we hope to find a plethora of activities for participants this year also, but we need some help planning it all, and arranging this.
We need anyone who thinks they can potentially help out with food, events, games, help out with transportation, filming, recording or funding or anything similar to reach out and help us out!

On Saturday the 7th of March @1900 UTC we will be having a meeting where it's open to anyone wishing to participate to help us. Location PRTA Teamspeak:

Mission intel
Lots of alcohol, some bonfires, snobrød, beer, some real-life bullying, swimming in lakes
  • Both teams hold in main for 10 minutes before the match begins.
  • Throwing Wicca in a lake is the primary objective.
  • You have to bring special attire to display which faction you belong to

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Fight in the upcoming Real-Life event and be a part of one of the most thrilling rounds of life you have ever played! Every decision you make on the battlefield might be your last, as there is no forgiveness with the no-respawn policy. Work closely with your squadmates, keep them alive and listen to every order GHOST_-DK- gives you, take your squad on an epic and immersive path to victory as a squad leader or even command the battle if you can take the pressure. Tactical movement, situational awareness, suppression, retreating and many other skills are vital to the well-being of your actual health. Remember, the lives of others depend on your actions!
Real-Life, or perma-death events are created to bring you the ultimate emotional experience PR has to offer. Although the events have a slightly altered game mechanics, the core gameplay stays exactly the same. However, competitiveness and continuous action take the back seat to the incredible adrenaline rush of having just one shot at the mission and planning every move with the utmost care.


We need the help of whoever is interested to plan the event to such a degree that 50+ individuals from all over the world are able to meet up at the same coordinates at the same time.
We need to find out what place and at what exact dates the event will be held.
Feel free to use this thread as primary place for discussions, and if you have any knowledge, or wish to help be there for the meeting!

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Xact Wicca is The Joker. That is all.
Posts: 7334
Joined: 2008-01-05 14:53

Re: Real-Life Event - Preparation Meeting - 7th of March 1900 UTC

Post by Wicca »

Meeting in 30 minutes!

Get on TeamSpeak:
Xact Wicca is The Joker. That is all.
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